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Ingrid doesn’t say anything to me this morning either, she just dresses up for work and leaves. It’s only after I offend her that I notice how really beautiful she is, which makes me weak and remorseful. I fell for Ingrid because of her empathy, her gentility and her understanding. I’d never wanted anyone to understand me or my feelings, since that’ll make them get too familiar. I wanted to be the guy who does whatever he wants and has no one questioning him. I always wanted people to accept my decisions and not question me about them even if they didn’t understand. Sometimes, in life, people don’t deserve your explanations. And that, to me, is power.

Therefore, you’d know why Ingrid was getting on my nerves. She understood me too much and it was upsetting. She understands that sometimes, I feel suffocated in our relationship, because I missed being single, where I could kiss and sleep with all the hot chicks I wanted. I wanted to be free. But this wasn’t because I didn’t like Ingrid.  As a matter of fact, I love her, and I don’t know why. I thought I’d hate her for her extreme empathy. But that’s what made me love her more.

I know she’s not so pretty or drop-dead gorgeous, but she’s still my favorite person in the world. I love her red hair and her blue eyes, even though she hates them. I love the fact that she is super emotional and cute. But since I’m not used to people like that, I lose my control and get her mad.

Last night at the club, after making the phone call, I went back inside to find Ingrid, Sophie Susan and Harris so that we could go home. But when I got there, both Ingrid and Sophie weren’t there. Susan told me Ingrid had to puke, and Sophie was in the bathroom too with her. I got worried and stormed to the ladies’ room immediately to check on her, thinking she was pregnant, but it was just Vodka.

Once I reached the bathroom and open my mouth to call her name, someone drags me into one of the cubicles and rips my shirt open.

“Sophie, listen…” I tried to talk to her, but she didn’t listen to me.

“Hold me,” she told me. “Hold me right now.”

I didn’t comply, so she grabbed my hands herself and put them around her waist, and then she reached for my nape and kissed me hungrily.
I tried to talk in the course of the kiss; “Sophie, Ingy is…”

“I see how you look at me, Adrian. I know you still want me.” Sophie whispered to me, not paying attention to my anxiety. She thrusts her tongue into my mouth and devours my entire mouth. My hormones rise, and I tighten my grip around her waist. Her lips taste good, and I cannot resist her. The testosterone in my body takes over my senses and causes me to return the kiss.

They even charge when Sophie runs her hand up and down my chest, travel down to my groin and caress my sex. Even though this is making me horny, I try to talk Sophie out of it. Ingrid doesn’t deserve this. She’s been nothing but faithful to me. I have no excuse not to love her back.

“Shut up, Adrian. Just relax.” She told me, looking into my eyes. Her eyes are so captivating. They just trap all my senses and I allowed myself to kiss her. All of a sudden, the door flew open and there stood Ingy. She didn’t scowl, didn’t nag, didn’t scream, and didn’t pass out. She just walked away. And this might sound crazy, but that part of her made me love her.

However, a part of me wanted her to scream at me with all her frustrations, preach to me about all what she’s done for me, all what she’s been through so that I’ll also scream back at her and tell her how much I feel suffocated and want to break up with her. But she didn’t scream or yell or shout. She still decided to stay silent, hindering me from verbalizing my feelings about our relationship. I know I’m hurting her. A lot. And I feel like a monster for doing that, but I can’t control myself.

When Sophie and I were in high school, we liked each other, and even had sex. But looking back at what we had, it was just lust. What Ingrid and I have is real compared to Sophie and I. However, Sophie hasn’t gotten over me yet, even though she got mad at me for dumping her for Ingy. I know I love Ingy, but anytime Sophie comes near me, I suddenly lose all my senses and forget about Ingy for a while. Last night was no exception.

It’d be very hard for Ingy to believe that I really love her for who she is, upon all what I’ve done to hurt her. So I have to prove it. That’s why I invite Harris over to my house to give me an idea.

He shows up at my door with a broad smile, and we do our signature handshake. “Hey man, what’s up?”

“Cool. How you doing?”

“I’m doing great. What happened to Ingy last night? Is she pregnant?” Harris asks. Great. I’m not the only one who misunderstood.

“No. It was just Vodka. But Harris, I made a mistake.”

“What did you do?”

“What do you expect? Ingrid caught Sophie and me kissing in the bathroom.”

“What?” Harris gapes at me. “What is wrong with you? We’ve talked about this.” Yes, we have. Harris is the only one who knows about my previous relationship with Sophie.

“I know, but Sophie is just…” I facepalm myself. “I don’t know what to do about her. I want to prove to Ingy that I love her, but anytime I try, Sophie steps in the way.”

“So what do you want to do?”

“I want something that’ll just shut Sophie out of my life. So that she can forget about me and move on. Then Ingy and I would be happy.”

“How do you intend to do that?”

“That’s why I called you here, man.” I say.

“Are you sure Ingy is the one you want?” Harris asks me critically.

“Yes. She is the right woman for me. I know she’s not happy with me, but I want to make her happy. I also know she loves me.”

“Look, man,” Harris sighs. “If you are not sure about Ingy, just let her go. Aren’t you tired of hurting her?”

“I am. And I’m ready to change. I love Ingrid.” I say, mentioning her full name, so that I can sound serious.

“Okeydokey.” Harris says, lifting his hands in surrender.

“Well?” I raise my eyebrow.

“If you really want her like you claim you do, there’s one thing you have to do.”  Harris smirks, getting an idea. And it was the most reasonable idea on earth. That’s why he’s my best friend.

Thoughts? I need them at this point especially, since this is a man's point of view and I'm a girl. So I'm not so sure about this. So please comment and vote.

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