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I watch Ingrid get into Raphael's car with my fist clenched, and my eyes filled with paranoia. I don't want her to go. I really don't trust that guy. He's rather deluded or money hungry, more of both. I try to convince myself that everything will be fine.

"I feel really bad for Ingrid." Sophie says beside me. I finally realize she was here the whole time. Something hits me when I think of Sophie. "I mean, she didn't deserve any of this."

I turn to face her with a stoic face. "Tell me this was entirely your plan. This doesn't just happen."

"What? Me? No, never. I'd never do anything like this?"

"Do you expect me to believe that? If I know anyone who doesn't want me and Ingrid together, then it's you alone. And Raphael must know someone amongst us to be able to do all this."

"Look, Adrian. I don't know what you're talking about. Truth is, I feel a bit relieved that the wedding didn't happen. I won't lie that I feel disappointed that it didn't come on. But, to be honest, this wasn't my plan."

"How can you even say that?" I wince at her. "How can you be relieved that your best friend's wedding was cancelled?"

"Because at least," she says seductively, wrapping her slender arms around my nape. "I get a chance with the man of my dreams."

"You must be sick in the head to assume that you have the least chance with me. You'll never, ever have me." I yank her arms off me.

"Why not? Why not me? I have been with you since high school, but yet you choose Ingrid who ran off and got pregnant with another man without telling you. Don't you feel disgusted?"

I resist the urge to slap her. Instead, I say with gritted teeth,"She is not pregnant."

"Oh, really? Remember the day she puked in the bathroom on the day Harris proposed to Susan?"

I roll my eyes. "Just because someone pukes doesn't mean they're pregnant. She drank alcohol, that's why."

Sophie shrugs. "Whatever floats your boat. But I'm sure she's not good for you. Trust me, Adrian, no one will do all this if Ingrid didn't do anything wrong. I suspect Raphael wants revenge." she smirks.

Revenge? The word echoes in my head. If he wants revenge, I wonder what he'll do to my Ingy. What if he hurts her? I mean, he just drove off in an expensive looking Ferrari. He probably wants more than money. But Ingy is really innocent, she won't do anything wrong. Or maybe, I don't really know her that much. What if I was too busy fucking Sophie in secret to notice that my girlfriend was in some trouble?

Jesus, Adrian, you really are an insecure son of a bitch.

But instead of showing Sophie that I think she may be right, I shake my head at her.

"If there's anyone who wants revenge, then it's you." I say and begin to walk away.

"Adrian, I already told you. This is not my plan." she calls after me.

"And I already told you that I don't believe you." I say over my shoulder.

I get into my car with a sigh, pick up a coke from the cupholder and gulp it down nervously. The cooling sensation in my throat calms me down.

Oh Lord, please help this useless son of a bitch.

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