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I am drowning into the sea. I am all alone. I feel like I am the only person left on earth, or at least in my world. The only one who survived the torture, the torment and the death? I, however, find myself in a deep blue sea, unharmed. I am not alone in the sea. There are creatures I have never known, creatures I’ve never heard of, nor seen before. They welcomed me to their world with irreverence, making me aware that I wasn’t one of them and didn’t belong there. One of them takes my hand, leads me to the shore of the sea and says;

“This is where it all began; the betrayal from one of your kind.” She said. Yes, the creature was female. She has long black hair, blue eyes. Her breasts were covered with blue seashells and the limbs were fishtails.

“Do you know what it took to bring you here?” the she-creature asks me.
I shake my head and speak. “No.”

She then leads me to earth, my original home. She brings me to my house. But my house is quiet and empty.

“Where is Adrian? Where is my mother?” I ask the creature. “They were right here.” I wail.

The creature smiles at me. “They are right here, where you left them.” I follow her to my bedroom, what I see shocks me. Adrian is on the floor, in a pool of blood, which a trident stuck in his throat. I rush to his side.

“What did you do to him? ” I ask the creature with anger.

“This is what it will take for you to come home.” The creature tells me with a smirk.

My hands tremble as I hold my Adrian's lifeless body in them.

“No!!!” I yell with cries. “Adrian !! Adrian!!!”

“Adrian!!!!!” I sit up in bed and scream, waking Adrian up.

“Ingy? What is wrong?” he asks me with concern. I turn to look at him, quivering.

"Adrian, are you fine? Are you alright?” I say urgently, getting out of the bed to his side, feeling his body.

“It was just a dream. Ingy, what is…” he trails off as I ran to the door to check if anyone was around.

“Look, Ingy, everything is fine. Now let’s go back to bed.” Adrian tells me.

I get back into bed and hug Adrian very tight as though he'll be snatched away if I don't. He hugs me back and  strokes my hair.

"No one will take you away from me. Did you hear me? No one."

Adrian chuckles. "Of course not. I belong to only you. It was only a dream. Now please go to sleep. Tomorrow is a very important day."

I smile. "I love you, Adrian." He tells me same, and drifts to sleep, his arm over me.
Okay, it was just a dream. Just. A. Dream. Please don't leave me. Tomorrow is my wedding day.

Hihi. Hehe. *scratching my neck* What do ya think?

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