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Honey, we finally got your size!” Susan exclaims once I reach the house from work. I give them a startled look, since I had been snapped out of my thoughts about last night and the strange mishaps lately. I don't want to tell Adrian about it, or he'll get upset. He might not even believe any of it  I don't either. But I must put all the narcissism away and focus on my wedding which is two days away.

“Hey guys, how long have you been here?” I ask. Susan, Harris and Sophie were in our apartment, helping Adrian put on a black tux.

“Not long.” Susan says, getting up to give me the wedding gown. “Do you like it?” I look at the white, lacey fishtail gown, feeling it. I smile at Susan.

“I like it.” I say.

“Doesn’t Adrian look so perfect?” Sophie squeals, wrapping her arms around Adrian’s neck. Adrian looks uncomfortable in front of me, but he maintains his posture.

“Yes.” I force a smile. “My fiancé looks more than perfect. And I’m sure he’ll look even perfect on the altar.” I say wryly, eyeing Sophie with a warning. She takes her slender arms off him.

“I was gonna make Adrian my best man but he’s also getting married on the same day as me.” Harris laughs.

“Yep, and he doesn’t look like he’s gonna wait any longer to get married to our dear Ingrid.” Susan teases Adrian and nudges me. I roll my eyes at her and nudge her back.

“So who wants to be my best man here? There’s no other man here. We’ll need two best men and two bridesmaids too.”

“Yeah, that’s a problem. But Harris, what about your brother Elvis?” Adrian asks.

Harris sighs. “He’s in Finland. He has work to do and I doubt he’s gonna have spare time to be my best man.”

“I’m sure he’ll not miss his big brother’s wedding. And I’ll try to talk to my brother too.”

“Okay, Adrian. I’ll try to talk to Elvis then. Now, girls, what about your bridesmaids?” Harris folds his arms.

Susan strokes her chin in thought.
“Um, I believe Sophie can be Ingrid’s bridesmaid?”

Sophie frowns. “What?”

“Why not, Sophie? You are the number one option here. You’re single, you’re younger and you’re our best friend.” Susan says.

“No, um, I wasn’t gonna refuse or anything. I was just shocked about the offer. I wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.” Sophie forces a tiny laugh.

I fold my arms suspiciously at her. “Why wouldn’t you be expecting it? As our best friend, you should be anticipating that role.”

“Yes. I know. But can we forget about it now? I’ll be Ingrid’s bridesmaid. What about you Susan? You don’t have a sister.” Sophie says.

“Oh, that’s easy. I’ll ask my brother’s girlfriend. She’s a good friend of mine. Her name is Marie.” Susan replies.

“Okay, guys. We have a solution now.” Adrian yells. “This calls for some champagne.”

We fill five glasses with wine and lift them into the air. “To our wedding!” Harris declares.

“To our wedding!” we respond in unison and clink glasses. I sit down next to Adrian and stare at my ring finger.

“Ingy,” I hear a masculine voice beside me. I look up at Adrian.

“I’m fine.” I give him a nod. I’m sure he’d noticed my anxious expression.

“Why’s your ring off?” he asks me, and I breathe heavily. I was shocked that he’d noticed. I didn’t even realize that he’d ben stroking my left hand all this while.

“Um…it got really tight while I was in the bar.”

“Ingy,” Adrian repeats my nickname with a sigh. “I asked you this morning and you told me that you were alright. I called you again while at work and you told me the same thing.”

“Why, what happened?” Susan interrupts, looking worried. “Is Ingrid fine?”

"Look, you even have a scar.” Adrian gasps.

“Really? Let me see.” Susan takes my hand.

“I’m alright.” I say, but none of them listen to me.

“Ingrid, I can treat the sore for you.” Susan tells me.
"Don't worry, Sue, I'll treat it myself”

“Okay. Harris and I would leave now. We have work tomorrow so we have to be up early.” Susan tells us, taking her bags and putting her arms through Harris’.

“Me too. Can you guys give me a ride?” Sophie tells them.

“Um, we have to pack all our wedding stuff at the trunk and the back seat, so there’ll be no room for you.” Harris says apologetically. “Adrian, why don’t you drive her home?”

I open my eyes widely, startled. “No, Harris. I’ll drive Sophie myself. We have a lot to talk about. Don’t we, Sophie?” I grin at her. She flinches.

“Um, Ingy, you just came from work. Get yourself something to eat. I’ll take Sophie home.” Adrian tells me. I open my mouth to refuse, but he touches my shoulder and stares at me softly, communicating with me through his eyes, telling me to trust him. I nod and kiss his cheek.

“Take her home safely then.” I say. I don’t trust Sophie yet. We haven’t talked that much after that incident so I’m not sure whether she has changed or is still the same. But she’s my best friend, and she understands that we’re getting married. She won’t do anything stupid. At least, I can trust Adrian. He respects me enough to stay calm. So Hakuna Matata. I’ll try not to worry. Everything will be fine. I’m just overthinking. Right? Right.

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