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What are you doing here?” I gape at Sophie with astonishment when she shows up at my doorstep.

“I came to see you. Are you home alone?” she asks seductively.

“Look, Sophie, you’re a pretty attractive girl. You’re intelligent and compassionate and everything. But I love Iggy. As a matter of fact, we’re very engaged. So I suggest you maintain a safe distance between us.”

Sophie’s jaw drops. “You must be fucking kidding me. You’re engaged to her?” she gasps, pronouncing the word ‘her’ like Ingy was a piece of shit. It makes me mad. I clench my fist.

“You heard me right.”

“After everything we’ve had? Adrian, you know you want me so badly. I know you want me in your bed. You know you want to give me your body. Ingrid is just a fluke. Why would you fall for her? What does she have that I don’t?”

“She has everything you don’t, Sophie. I still love her and she loves me too, despite anything you claim you and I ever had. Sophie, that was high school. Get over it. I’m with Ingy now, and she’s your best friend. Respect her and yourself.”

She reaches for my cheek. “Adrian…”

I flinch. “Please don’t touch me.” I know what her seductive touches can make me do. I don’t want Ingy to see me with her in bed.

“Adrian, why are you being like this?”

“That’s my final decision. Find someone else, because I choose Ingy over you. It’s that simple.”

“You can’t do this to me.”

“Ingy and I are going for shopping today for our wedding. If you wanna come along with us, it’s fine. If you know you’ll cause trouble, don’t. I don’t want you to come between Ingy and I.”

Sophie winces and shakes her head at me. “You’re a son of a bitch. I hope you get fucking paralyzed.” She walks away and slams the door behind her. Poor Sophie. I slump down in one of the couches and ran my hand through my hair with relief. Mission accomplished. A text comes from Ingy, saying I should come pick her up. Golly!

When I pull my car over the parking lot of the bar, I see her through the window, talking to a certain man, looking disgusted. Is he flirting with her? ‘Cos if he is, I don’t mind walking in and punching him right in the face. Her heart belongs to someone else, dude. She finally walks out with a frown on her face.

“Are you alright?” I ask worriedly.

“I’m fine.” She murmurs, kisses my cheek and enters the car.

“You look upset. Who were you talking to?” I join her in the car.

“It’s just a delusional drunk guy.” she shrugs.

I try to tease her a bit. "Looks pretty good looking to me. Was he flirting?"

She rolls her eyes at me. "Come on, Adrian. Stop looking all jealous. And I should be talking about jealousy here, when girls drool over you all the time.”

“I’m sorry. But from now on, I’ll only belong to you, so there’s no need to be jealous. Let’s just enjoy the shopping, okay? Forget about the drunken guy.”

"I will. I mean, why think about someone else when I have the hottest guy right next to me?" Iggy grins up at me, putting her arm through mine. "I really love you, Adrian. Don't you forget that."
I look into her eyes and I know she means it.

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