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Ingrid would go back to Adrian. No, she might. And she would have to just in case Scarlet came back for her ring and hopefully revoked her curse.

I walk over to my own bedroom, throw myself onto my bed and stare at the ring in my hand. The ring my dad had stolen years ago and the same ring which had destroyed my life, denying me of permanent happiness. I don't really know if there are any chances of Emily and I getting back together.

After lying to her a week before our wedding, I'm not sure she can ever forgive me. What if she moved on? I can't expect her to possibly accept me back after walking out on her and ignoring her calls for almost a year.

Yes, you heard me right. A year.

I've been searching for Ingrid for a year, just for the ring. Scarlet just wanted to kill anyone of the human species, so it was my responsibility to warn and protect Ingrid, since she doesn't deserve to pay for my father's mistake.

At first, I thought she was in Mexico. But no, she was here in USA. I constantly kept dreaming of her and due to a cosmic connection that bonded us, I discerned that was far from Mexico. And then, I arrived here in New Jersey, where Scarlet insisted that I go find her at Casper's Bar.

When I walked into the bar and saw her, something struck me. I felt that she needed help. She had dark red hair, auburn eyes, pink lips and a really sweet voice. I then saw the mysterious ring on her finger, looking very out of place. I felt really sorry that I had to ruin the life of such a beautiful woman, so I ignored my mission and freaked out, giving her a very doubtful warning.

That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept seeing images of Ingrid, on the floor, covered in blood. That same night, Ingrid's ring might've been feeling extremely tight.

Scarlet's threats were persistent. She was going to kill Ingrid's groom if she didn't get her ring. So I decided that it was better to ruin Ingrid's wedding that let her or anyone die. I knew if I told her not to marry him, she wouldn't listen. Heck, nobody would. And it was too late for sweet talks, so I had to take matters into my own hands.

At first I only found her vulnerable because of that. But after finding out about she and Adrian, I realised she was even more vulnerable. Now I feel better about myself. I must've saved her from a very wobbly relationship. She can't marry a man she can't trust.

So it's really hard to accept that she'd go back to him after everything. Nonetheless, I doubt whether he'd take her back. I mean, first of all, he saw us kissing, and secondly he probably likes her best friend.

I know that kissing Ingrid wasn't too necessary for the situation. I'd gone too far probably, seeing the look on her face. I've probably worsened matters. But there's little or no chance that Scarlet would take back her punishment. So I have to do my best to make Adrian stay away.

That's my responsibility for now: to protect her and her family. Nothing else. I have my opinions about Adrian, but if everything comes back to normal and she chooses to go back to Adrian, so be it, though I believe she deserves someone better.

Hey people!! Another chapter is here. So please vote and give your opinions about it. Kind words will be appreciated. Thank you.

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