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Raphael's house happens to be a condo in fact. We get out of his car, in still silence and I follow him into the lift. His mood changed all of a sudden. I couldn't place his facial expression, but it was definitely not the dramatic facial expression he was using back there. He opened the door to his condo and we walked in.
The place was almost empty, just filled with the necessary elements. Furniture, dining table, centre table, refrigerator and no doors. The walls were white, furniture was black, windows were glass. There were no pictures on the wall, the place smelt like fresh paint.

"Have a seat. I'll get you some coffee." he says and disappears into the kitchen. I want to decline, but do really need some coffee. It's been a stressful day and I am still in my wedding gown. My hair is probably messy and I look like I've been crying. But I do not care.

What I care about is my wedding had not been able to come on because of the same person about to serve me coffee. I resist the urge to throw the coffee into his face as he offers it to me on a saucer.

I don't say thank you, I just accept it and stare at it, contemplating whether to drink it or not. I mean what if he put-

"It's poison free, DDT free, insecticide free, drug free, or whatever you're thinking." Raphael says, as if he could read into my thoughts. He stares at me for a while and adds: "I don't intend on killing you, otherwise I wouldn't have come looking for you."

"Looking for me?" I ask, confused. "What was your intention behind all that bullshit? Are you aware that crushed my and my mother's dreams, made me lose the trust of the people who matter, and totally ruined my reputation?"

"Look, I'm sorry. But it had to go that way. It was hard for me too, but trust me, I want what's best for you."

"I don't understand."

"Your ring," he points at my hand. "It'll keep hurting your finger as long as you are away from me." he adds, with worried eyes.

I shake my head. "W-what are you talking about? Is it some kind of-"

"It'll be too much for you to take right now, especially after all that has happened today. So drink your coffee and rest. I'll tell you everything later."

"No. Tell me everything now."

"You need to trust me before I can tell you anything. You can't trust me right away. But I need to prove to you that I mean no harm at all. I've been looking for you for a long time, just to save your life."

"Save my... "

Raphael interrupts with a sigh. "Just be patient for a few days. You'll know everything soon."

I stare at him in horror. "A few days? I need to go back to Adrian. I cannot stay here with you, because I have no reason to. Tomorrow, we're conducting a real pregnancy test and after we're done proving you wrong, I'll return home. So tell me exactly what you want from me before we expose you and throw your ass into jail."

"I'm sorry, but you cannot return to Adrian now. Or maybe... ever."

"What?" who does this son of a bitch think he is.

He lifts my chin up to meet his very beautiful green eyes filled with... concern? "If you do, Ingrid, you'll die. And if you die, others die. You'll thank me later."

I smack his hands off my chin with contempt and irritation.

"I don't take threats." I scowl at him.

"It's not a threat, it's a curse. And I'm responsible for you now. So I'll do anything to keep you within my reach. And even if it means that I need to...force you. You need my help, Ingrid. Not the other way round."

Upon saying that, he leaves me alone in the living room, to contemplate on his vague words which make my heart race. Am I in danger? Why do I need protection? And from what? And what is it about my engagement ring?

What is happening to me???

Sorry for the suspense, if there's any. Anyway, tell me what you think. Is it going well with us? Also vote if you like the chapter.

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