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"You look beautiful, Ingy." Susan beams at me.

"You too, Suze." I whisper back at her. We're standing at the entrance of the chapel, with our gowns, bouquet and veils on.

"So we got engaged and now we're getting married. And on the same day.  I cannot believe this is happening."

"Neither can I," I say, tears filling my eyes.

"Look at your mom over there. She's full of smiles." Susan points into the chapel. "And Adrian too. I'm pretty sure he wants to walk up here himself and walk you to the altar himself."

I nudge her and look at Adrian. I can only see his side profile, but I know he looks handsome. Hell, he always does, even in his boxers. After everything, the sorrows, the insecurity and the difficulties, we're finally getting married. Is it all real, or just one of my dreams?

My thoughts are interrupted when I begin to hear the orchestra. The bridesmaids file in first, Sophie looking rather glum and reluctant. I try to ignore her and keep a smile on my face. The best men follow, and when I realize Sue and I are next to enter, my heart skips a beat. Susan looks nervous too, but she gives my shoulder and squeeze and raises her chin up, telling me to do same.

Very soon, we begin the procession. We offer a smile to those who look back at us. My biggest smile goes to my mom who looks like she's going to break down in tears any moment. Harris and Adrian smile at us as we get closer. They take our hands and helps us get up the altar. Adrian mouths: "You look stunning." I blush and look down at the floor. I want to compliment him back, but the vicar starts talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have all gathered here today to join these men and women in holy matrimony, which is an honourable estate." intones the vicar. Adrian beams at me, looking impatient. Sophie raises her eyebrow at us and averts her eyes.

"...therefore if any person can show any just cause why they may not be lawfully be joined together, let him speak or forever hold his peace." he continues.

My stomach does a twirl while we wait. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The whole congregation is quiet and everyone seems to be smiling at us, holding no possible grudge. Oh God. This is it. This. Is. It. My life begins from here. I sigh in relief when the vicar opens a book and is about to read the vows.

Oh. My. God. I give my gown a squeeze and grin at Adrian, who grins back. My dreams are coming true. All what I've dreamed and worked for are-
My thoughts are interrupted when the chapel door opens and someone yells: "I do."

I look up from the floor with a start. The whole congregation gasps and looks behind them to see who seeks to object. The person walks into the chapel and repeats: "I do. Ingrid cannot get married to that man." I squint my eyes to have a better view of the person. When he walks closer, I realize who it is. And oh my God. This is the biggest shock of my life. It's... it's the Latino guy at the bar. What does he want here? Why is he stopping my wedding?

My mother stands up from the crowd looking very furious. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Raphael. And Ingrid cannot get married because she is my girlfriend and she has my baby."

My jaw drops. What? Adrian looks into my face with a questioning look. I wince at him and before I can deny anything, Raphael speaks up again.

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