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I know it's morning time because I can feel the sun's heat on my eyelids. I peel off the comforter from my body, take a shower and then walk to the kitchen to have breakfast. Surprisingly, the dining table is empty. I had expected Raphael to have already made breakfast since he wakes up extremely early to work out.

However, I guess he must've slept deeply, so I decide to make breakfast this time. I make bacon and eggs, set the table and walk to his bedroom door to knock on it.

A husky voice calls for me to come in. I open the door and slowly enter. He's still in bed looking rugged. He sits up upon seeing me, he's shirtless with a blanket covering the rest of his body.

"Hi." I murmur, very distracted by his torso.

"Hi. How did you sleep?"he asks, giving me a very beautiful smile I'm beginning to like.

I smile back. "Good. You?" Instead of a reply, he looks down at his bed and runs his fingers through his thick hair in frustration.

I walk closer to him feeling worried. "Um, are you okay?"

"Scarlet came back for the ring." he announces.

A smile comes across my face without permission. "Really?" I ask with surprise.

"Yes." he gives me another smile and laughs shortly- a nervous laughter.

But I realize that's not all. There's one more thing. "Did she... did she..." the words hardly come from my mouth.

"Come over here." he beckons me. I comply and walk towards him, swallowing. I take deep breaths as I approach him, feeling oddly nervous.

"Look over there." he points at the wall in front of his bed. My eyes are drawn there slowly and I gasp as I see what is written on it. I feel relieved and scared upon seeing strange words in a strange language smudged against the wall in blue which turned out to be Greek.

I translated it to English with Google and it read:


Tears fall from my eyes upon seeing those words. It feels like a dream, so surreal. It's all over. I can go back to my old life. My old life... with Adrian. I can go back. Sweet Jesus. My hand flies over my mouth as I let out soft cries. Raphael pulls me to his bare chest and pats my head.

"What happened? Isn't this what you want?" he asks.

"I don't know, I feel scared."


"Is this real? It's driving me crazy."

"You'll be fine. Now pack your things and go back to your old life. It's all over. Scarlet forgave us." he says, reassuringly.

I nod. "Perhaps, we should have breakfast first."

         "So will you go back to Emily?" I ask once we're at the breakfast table. I honestly didn't expect to ask this foolish question. Who else would he go to? Where did I expect him to go?

Raphael shrugs. "That depends. But I'm going back to Mexico today itself." he tells me, piercing his bacon with the knife.

I almost choke on mine. "You are?"

He looks up at me questioningly. "Yeah. I have no reason to keep staying here, do I? Mission accomplished." he smiles. It's a forced smile. Something's wrong.

"Are you also scared?" I ask, holding his hand to make him pay attention.

"A bit, but what can I do? My life is not here in America."

"I hope Emily understands that all you did was to protect her. You're a good person." I draw circles on his hand with my thumb and smile.

"I'm not so sure. I've left her for almost a year."

"True love always prevails. Maybe she waited." Oh come on, Ingrid. Are you Socrates now? True loves always prevails? You think this is Disney?

"Hm." he nods.

"Thanks for everything. For trying to protect my family. God knows what would've happened to Adrian if not for you. I'm very grateful."

"Hopefully, he'll take you back and you'll live happily ever after." he says humorously.

I snigger and repeat his word. "Hm."

I give Raphael a hug after packing my clothes and getting ready to leave.

"I ruined your wedding and your life. You had to go through this because of my dad. I'm really sorry."

I sigh. "I understand and it's not your fault. I should say thank you for helping me save Adrian's life. I hope you get all the happiness you deserve."

"You made me breakfast. Bacon. It reminded me of Camila. I've never had bacon after she died, because even being a great cook, I always burn the bacon like I used to. Thank you for that." he says with a laugh. I laugh too, and rub his forearm.

"I'm sorry about her. You'll be fine." I say.

He nods. "Now skedaddle. Your fate awaits you."

I smile and push the door open. I begin to walk away.

But my feet feel heavy.

What do you think? What were you current emotions reading this? Sad, happy, angry, confused or indifferent? Lemme know, please. Thank you.

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