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I frown all the way home in the uber that drops me off at the main gate. I get off the car and walk into the house, putting my ring back on. When I walk inside, there's another surprise waiting for me in the living room.

"Oh, darling!" I receive a warm hug from my visitor.

"Hi Mom. What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming over." I gasp.

"Adrian invited me over to make all the wedding plans. But he said he has a photo-shoot so he'd be here late. But he said I'll meet you since you'll be back earlier. So come sit down, let's talk." Mom says.

I sit beside my mom on the couch. She smells of patchouli and good health. She's wearing a cashmere suit and her hair is tied in a messy bun. She looks really beautiful and young for her age. I'm really glad she's been able to remain cheerful even after her divorce. Her marriage was very bumpy, yet she put the pain aside and took really good care of me. I can only imagine how happy she is that I'm getting married, going to have kids and live a happy life with the man I love.

I smile at her. "You look beautiful." I say. Tears almost fill my eyes, saying that. She has gone through a lot in life.

"You too!" she exclaims, checking me out. "Adrian has been taking good care of you, hasn't he?

"Yes." I grin. "He's a great man."

"You must be really happy about your marriage. That's all you've ever wanted, right?"


"I like Adrian. But honestly, the first time you introduced him, I almost disapproved of him. He looked like one of those hot guys who were only up to chasing girls and sleeping with them."

"Mom!" I exclaim with a laugh.

"Adrian's not like that." I play with my fingers coyly.

"I know. But I got him all wrong, judging from his appearance. Celebrities like him don't really look forward to getting married. I mean, he has everything he wants, so I thought, what's he gonna do with my poor daughter who works in a bar? Well, he proved me wrong, and I'm ashamed."

"I thought the same too. I thought I was he only one in the relationship who was thinking about marriage. But, the proposal happened, just like that. I didn't know where it came from." I smile, looking at the ceiling dreamily. "Mom, I felt special that night. I felt like all my dreams had come true. I was getting married to someone I loved with all my heart."

"I'm glad you're happy with him. That's all I want. I always want you to get what I never had; happiness. And now that you have it, I can die in peace."

"Not before my wedding and my baby shower." I frown at her. "Besides, you're only sixty five, why would you be thinking about death? Come on, Mom."

"Ingrid," Mom gives me a hard stare and squeezes my hand. "I've been diagnosed with lung cancer."

My jaw drops. "What?"

"Yes, Ingrid. It can kill me at any moment. So I want to make the rest of my days count, starting from your wedding."

Tears fill my eyes and I squeeze back her hands. "Mom, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want to frighten you. I'm only telling you now so that you won't feel like I lied to you after I die. I also want you to know how much you mean to me. But don't worry; everyone will die anyway. So be happy about your wedding. Make each day count." Mom smiles at me and rubs my cheeks.

"Okay, Mom. But you need to stay with me as long as you can." I tell her.

"I'll try." She smiles again, caressing my hand. I bury my face in her neck. There's a long pause between us.

"That's a beautiful ring you're wearing." Mom finally says, looking admiringly at my engagement ring. "Looks expensive." She adds.

"Seventeen million dollars, Mom." I say.

Mom gasps. "Just for you?"

I nod. "Uh-huh."

"Adrian is so sweet. This is the most beautiful engagement ring I've ever set my eyes on. I've never seen anything like it."

"Of course," I say. "Me too. It's very peculiar but it's beautiful."

The door swings open. Adrian walks inside, carrying a lot of shopping bags. I stand up to help him with them.

"Hello, Mrs. Meyers." Adrian waves at my mother. "Have you eaten something?"

"I'm not hungry, don't worry. I called the florist though. And my sister's daughter is really good with make-up. So she'll have you sorted out." My mom tells him.

"Thanks a lot." Adrian smiles at her. "Thanks for helping."

"Don't mention. You're getting married to my daughter, I must get involved."

Adrian smiles again. "Please excuse Ingy and me. She has to help me unpack."

"Okay, I'll wait here." Mom says.
I follow Adrian to our bedroom to unpack whatever he'd bought. It seems like he went shopping for jewelry and shoes.

"Do you like them?" he asks me, opening one jewelry box for me to see. In it lies a diamond necklace, sparkling new.

I nod. "Yeah."

"You'll be wearing these at the wedding. You'll look like a queen." He smiles at me. I flinch coyly.

"Stop trying to flatter me. Let's hurry up and unpack. My mother's waiting." I say. But he doesn't listen. He grabs my waist and embraces me into his arms.

"What are you doing?" my voice is muffled, as my lips are pressed against his broad shoulders.

"I love you." The words roll out of his mouth, and I close my eyes to process the information.

"Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?" I ask.

"I feel like I should tell you every day."

"Okay. Now let's go downstairs. My mom is waiting."

"Let her wait. I want to keep hugging you." He says. I'm enjoying the hug too. It feels nice to hug someone larger and taller than you. He just engulfs you like a little baby. The feeling is comforting, but yet, we have to get back to my Mom. She can't spend all day here.

"Um, Ingy, how about we let your Mom stay with us till the wedding is over? I mean, we can't let her fly to Oxnard and back."

"Great. I was thinking about that myself." I say. "Besides, she's not doing so well with her health. She has lung cancer."

Adrian lets go off me in shock. "What?"

"Yes. So we have to be there to take care of her till she eventually...dies." A tear rolls down my cheek. Adrian wipes it.

"I'm so sorry, Ingy. We'll try to be there for her, okay? You have nothing to worry about. I'm here for you."

Cringe? No? Yes? I don't know. Sigh. Anyway. Comment. And please vote. It encourages me to write more and convinces me that this is not a piece of crap. But if you don't...I'll be forced to think so. Is it okay so far?

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