The beginning

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Kayla's P.O.V flashback
The day the war started was horrible. I was in school like usual, my life was the typical life of a 15 year-old teenager, my biggest worries were about school, but not anymore. It was about 2:00pm, school was almost finishing when suddenly I heard sirens, the principal made an announcemnet saying the school was going to be evacuated, and that we should call our parents, I knew my parents couldn't pick me up, so I sent my mom a message saying that the school was being evacuated and that I was going to my best friend house, his name is Ray, and that she could pick me up later that day in his house.
Me and Ray waited about two hours in school for his mom to arrive,but she didn't so he sent his mom a message saying that we were going to take a cab and go to his house, lucky for us we had money, so we took a cab and went to his house, when we arrived to his house, the front door was opened, we thought it was his parents but when we got in there was no one, he tried to call his parents but both of them didn't ansewered, so we waited for them, but they never arrived.
At night we were watching t.v my parents didn't arrive either, so we started watching the news to see if there was something that would explain why our school evacuated everyone and why our parents didn't arrive. The moment when we started watching the news I regreted it, they were transmiting the bombings in the city, the news reporter started to read the list of the streets that were affected, I prayed to not hear the street were my parents worked, I heard the name of the street were Ray's parents worked, he started crying so I hugged him, just when I thought my parents street was not affected I heard the name of the street. I just froze, I didn't cry, I didn't scream I just stared at the t.v.
Ray and I didn't slept that night, when Ray finally stopped crying, we started to talk about what we should do, we concluded that we were going to stay at his house but first we were going to my house to pick some of my stuff. So we went to my house, to pick my stuff, I had totally forgotten about my two dogs so obviously we took them too.

Ray's P.O.V flashback
Two days after the bombings that killed my parents and kaylas, we were going on a run to find supplies, we didn't know how to drive so we went on foot, the grocery store wasn't far away from my house, when we arrived there we found two kids a little younger than us hiding at the back of a counter, we introduced oursleves to them.
My name is kayla. Kayla was the first.
My name is Ray. I said after her.
I'm Jackson. The boy said.
And that's Valerie, she's my sister. Jackson said pointing to the little girl behind him.
Are you here alone? I asked.
Yes our parents never piked us from school, we don't know anything about them, some nice guys dropped us here and then left, they said that they would be back but they haven't come back yet. Jakson said.
Well we came here to pick some food, if you want you can come with us after we're finished, we're staying at my house our parents didn't come either. Kaylin said.
It was the first time she talked about our parents since we found out they were dead.
Can we wait a little more for the nice guys?. The little girl said.
Your name is Valerie, isn't it? I'll tell you what, we can wait for them half an hour after we're finished. Okay?. I said.
Okay. She ansewered me with a smile on her face.
Lets get started. Kayla said.
We finished picking food and other stuff like medicines, bateries, and some magazines in about 20 minutes, But we stayed a half an hour more to wait for these "nice guys" the kids were talking about.

Kaylas P.O.V flashback
I was starting to get frustrated, jackson and valerie wouldn't stop talking about this "nice guys", I couldn't help but think "They are dead and they aren't coming". Just when I was standing up and gathering my stuff, I heard two unkown voices, they were male but the didn't sounded like men, the sounded young but not like kids.
I told you, I left them here. One of the guys said.
Well I don't see them here. The other one said.
Jackson and Valerie ran to where the guys where, before I could tell them to wait.
Emmet!! Valerie screamed the name of the guy.
There you are, didn't I told you to stay behind the counter? The guy known as Emmet said, hugging Valerie.

Let me say this, Emmet was kind of atractive, he had dark blue eyes and black hair, and he didn't look much older than me, maybe he was 16?

Yes, but a boy and a girl came and talked to us!! Jackson said excited.

Hello, I'm Ray. Ray said.
And I'm Kayla. I said.
The guy named emmet and the other guy, looked at us with surprised faces.
I'm Emmet. The guy with the blue eyes said.
I'm Warren. The african-american guy said.
We were just about to leave. Ray said.
We turned around and started to walk to the door, but Emmet stopped us.
Wait, are you staying somewhere safe?. Emmet said.
We are staying at his house (i said pointing ray), we offered the kids if they wanted to come in case you didn't come, but you did. I said answering his question.
Can we come with you? Our houses got raided by the military, they took our parents, we don't know where. Emmet said with a sad look on his face, but he quickly recovered and just stared at us.
Wait, raided by the military? And why would they take your parents? I asked.

Emmet's P.O.V flashback
When we arrived to the grosery store where we left the kids, we couldn't see them, they weren't my siblings but my protective side won and I decided to look after them, because I knew their parents would never come back.

Where are they? Warren asked me.
I told you, I left them here. I answered.
Well I don't see them here. Warren said.
Suddenly out of nowhere valerie ran to us screaming my name. I smiled at the sight of her, she didn't know anything about the horrors waiting for us outside, I was still thinking on how to tell Jackson and Valerie that their parents would not be back.
Didn't I told you to stay behind the counter? I asked her, while I hugged her.
Yes, but a boy and a girl came and talked to us!! Jackson said excited.

I lifted my head so that I could see the boy and the girl Jackson was talking about, when I saw them I got a little surprised, I thought they were younger, but I was wrong,they couldn't be more than a year younger than me, the girl was really pretty, she had gorgeous olive eyes and there was something about her that made me want to know more about her. But she wasn't alone, I saw the boy standing next to her, he was asian and he didn't look dangerous.
Hello i'm Ray. The guy spoke first.
And I'm Kayla. The girl said.

Pretty name I thought.

I'm Emmet. I said
I'm Warren. My bestfriend said.
We were just about to leave. The boy, Ray said.
They started walking to the door so I ran to them and stopped them.
Wait, are you staying somewhere safe?. i asked
We are staying at his house, we offered the kids if they wanted to come in case you didn't come, but you did. Kayla said.
Can we come with you? Our houses got raided by the military, they took our parents, we don't know where. I said, I must had made a sad face because Kayla looked at me with a concerned face but I quickly recovered..
Wait, raided by the military? And why would they take your parents? kayla asked.
A/N hope you like the first part
Sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes.
And shoutout to my friends who inspired me to write this story i love you.
Also the characters in this story are fictional and created purely from the authors imagination.
Tamara G.

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