Chapter 11

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As soon as we reached Mac Donalds, Nina got a call from her mom. She had to go back home to baby sit her little sister and sam offered to drop her. Looks like it was just Kian and me. This should be fun I thought to myself. We ordered and took our seat. Instead of sitting in front of me he came and sat next to me. That mad me blush. So we started talking about each other. I told him about my family and friends. He seemed to hesitate to talk about his. I finally asked him, "so what do your parents do?" His expression changed. "Well apart from fighting and cursing each other, they both work" I had no idea how to react to that. "Ohh" I said. "Actually I wanted to thank you val" "for what?" I asked. "Well that day I was there to harm myself." There was a minute of silence and I just placed my hand on his hand. "Can I ask why?" I asked. "I was getting sick of my life. School is filled with bullies,my parents always fight and my friends..well I don't have any I trust . So I decided to cut. I was about to, when you turned up there and as soon as looked at you something changed. I felt like god sent you to stop me from making such a mistake" while he was talking, both of us were just looking down at our hands together. Suddenly I felt a drop of water fall on our hand. It was me this time. He looked at me and I quickly wiped away my tear. I looked up to him and said "well your welcome and never feel you don't have friends. You have me."

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