Chapter 22

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Vals POV - I was woken up by the sun rays hitting my face. Rubbing my eyes I slowly opened them and noticed Kian was gone. The first thing I did was check my phone. I noticed it was 9am. I had two msgs from Kian and one from mom. I obviously opened kians first. The first one said. "Good morning beautiful. I did not want to wake you up so I left without telling. But don't worry I'll be seeing you in a few hours. ♡" And the second one read " I'll pick you up by 1 from your place. Don't worry I know where you stay. I have a stalker friend. Can't wait. :) " I was smiling away to glory reading his msgs. My moms msg said "come home asap I have some news to share." I got out of bed quickly packed my stuff and went down to see Nina. "Nina where are you?" I screamed. "Kitchen!" She yelled back. I went to the kitchen and saw her making breakfast. Pancakes yumm! "Want some?" she asked "no I have to rush. I'm going on a date with Kian " I said staring at my feet and blushing. "Way too gooo girl!" She said and gave me a hug. "I got to go now, but I'll fill you up on the details at night" I said and then left her place. Got into my car and drove back to my place to get ready for my big date. I parked my car and went inside noticing mom was on the phone. I quickly went to my room to freshen up. It was 10 and I had only 3 hrs to get ready. I went out to ask mom what she wanted to tell me. She was writing something."Hey mom. What was it that you wanted to tell me?" "Ohh yess! Come sit" "tell me fast" I said. "My boss asked me to join him for a conference in London. And I leave tomorrow evening. I'll be back in a week. Will you be okay staying alone?" " yeah I'll be fine. I'll have Nina come stay with me" I said. Yessssss! I thought to my self. Home alone plus summer vacation equals to party time!!!!. I was literally jumping on the inside but I tried to maintain a straight face on the outside. "I'm warning you Val, no funny business and no boys or people in my house whom I don't know" " yes mom don't worry" I said rolling my eyes. I hugged her and the went back to my room to get ready. After a while my mom knocked and then came inside. "Val I'm leaving for office, I've kept your breakfast out. Please eat in and go where ever you are" " Yes I will I said with a smile and went and gave her a good bye hug. I went and ate my breakfast and got ready. Took a bath, made my hair, applied some liner (because that's the only thing I put when it comes to make up). I was deciding what to wear when my phone rang. It was a msg from Kian. "Do you have a penny board?" "Yes I do" " great! Get it along. " "okay" I replied and went back to deciding. I finally picked out my sky blue shorts and a black tee shirt that had a peace sign on it. Black ankle length converse and my shades. Nice I said looking at my self in the mirror and completely satisfied with my look. I was around one now and I was expecting Kian to come any time.

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