Chapter 17

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Moving on it was my turn next. "So val truth or dare?" Kian asked. "I'm gonna go with truth" "boo huuu" Nina said with the tongue out. I ignored it. "Okay so tell us If you were locked up in a room with a person from this room, whom would you choose and why?" Sam asked. I knew what I wanted to say but I was too shy to take Kians name. I looked at Kian and he knew I was going to take his name. He was staring at me with a big smile on his face and his cheeks were turning pink. Well so where mine. I looked down and slowly mumbled "kian" and bit my lip trying to control my smile. "Couldn't here you" Nina said on purpose. I looked up to her with a 'I'm going to kill you' look and said it again and this time loudly "Kian!" "And why?" She asked with a smirk. Common Val be a little gutsy! I told my self. "Because Sam looks like he's taken and Kian is super cute" winking at Nina. Kian put his hand behind his head and was looking down and smiling.

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