Chapter 20

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Val's Pov : In all the talks, I completely forgot how terrified I was of darkness. I was started to get that feeling of scare while walking up to Ninas room. Kian was behind me. I turned to him and said "don't be surprised if you have nail marks on you, I'm scared of darkness." He chuckled and caught my hand. Looking straight into my eyes he said "don't worry I will hold you close to me" That made me blush. So we reached her room and I followed Kian into her closet. "Don't be too naughty!" She said with a smirk and I gave her a death stare, shutting the door. As soon as the door shut the lights went out. "Ohh god!" I said as I was too scared. It was pitch dark. I felt a hand sliding into mine. I knew it was Kian. He pulled me close to him and whispered near my ear "don't worry I'm right here" which bought a smile on my face. I could hear him trying to find something from his pocket. The very next moment I noticed he took out his phone and switched on the torch. My mouth opened in surprise. "Why didn't I think of that!" I said. "I'm smart" he said with a smirk. Kian put his phone on one of the shelves from where there was enough light in the closet. He turned around and came close to me. Put his hand on my waist and I put mine around his neck. "How about we continue from where we left in the kitchen" he said bringing his face closer to mine. Kian is really tall. He looked like he's around 6"1 or 6"2 . I went on toes and pulled him closer. Our lips met again.

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