14: All The Goodbyes

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Chapter Fourteen

"Baby alert!" I shouted, carrying Maverick, his diaper bag, and Miss Cuddles into Damon's bedroom where he and Elena were still at. "Please be clothed!"

"We are," Elena laughed.

"Mav needs a diaper change. He smells bad. I don't want to do it. You're here so I don't have to either. Here, mommy dearest," I grinned, walking over to her and handing over the one year old baby.

"I can't wait till he's potty trained," Elena chuckled. Damon gave her a weak half smile, half smirk. Then she took the diaper bag from me. She sat Mav on Damon's bed and pulled out a changing mat, a diaper, and some wipes. Ugh.

I walked over to Damon who was holding a bottle of bourbon. "Is that...?" I trailed off. Looked familiar, like the bottle I just saw Bonnie grab in 1994.

"Suicide bourbon? Yes," he answered. "Bonnie and I made a pact we'd drink this together. That's what I'm gonna do." Then he took a sip of it.

When he was done I took the bottle from him. "To you, Bonnie," I said, looking up at the ceiling and holding the bottle up before I took a gulp. I pulled back quickly as it burned my throat. I let out a cough and looked at Damon in disgust. He chuckled.

"Can't handle it, kitten?" He smirked, taking the bottle back.

"No," I croaked. "And I can't take that smell. I'm going back to check on Jer." Then I hurried towards the exit. "Ah! Hey!" I whined as I bounced back as I tried to leave. My mouth stoop agape as I tried to reach my hand out the doorway. Couldn't get through. "What's going on?" I asked.

Damon walked over and tried to get out but he couldn't either. "Boundary spell," he grunted.

"Kai!" I screamed out. "Let us out!"

"No! What are you doing?" I heard Jeremy. Then I heard two loud crashes come from downstairs.

I strained to hear more. Someone was laughing softly. "Dang, sis. That was harsh," Kai said weakly.

"Shut up!" A new voice bellowed.

"Liv," Elena gasped.

"Oh, I'm going to kill her," I decided. "Yup. I'm going to rip her fucking heart out. After I break every bone in her body. She'll die a painful death."

"Kenzie," Elena scolded.

"Ahhhh! Owww! Ugh!" Kai was screaming and groaning in pain obviously.

"Ouch!" Liv shouted now.

"Ha, ha, ha," I heard Kai now. He sounded more like himself. I stayed in the doorway listening. Nothing from Jeremy. He better be okay. "Yeah. It's all coming back to me, Livvie poo... You know, the charge—"

"Stop it, Kai!" Liv cried.

"That races through your bones," Kai continues.

"Aaaah! Stop it!" She begged.

"At the prospect of watching someone burn to death," Kai continued. Then I heard glass smash. my face scrunched up in confusion. "I really missed that feeling," he finished his morbid thought.

"Burn to death?" Elena reiterates his words.

"Just kill me, Kai. You already killed my best friend. So just do it. Get it over with," Liv said.

There was a loud groan then. "Why can't I do this? I don't care about you. Why can't I kill you? Come on. Kai, do it. Do it!" Kai was... I guess talking to himself. "Come on!" He roared.

"Motus!" Liv exclaimed. What?

"Ugh," came a pained noise. Kai?

"Ow!" Liv screamed next.

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