Prologue: The Accident

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Let us always meet each other with smile, for smile is the beginning of love.

-Mother Theresa

Enzo Fiorenza's POV

A man must know when to escape when his life was already at stake. In my years in the military, I'd learn so many things about life. How can you take someone else's life so easily and value yours at the same time the rules in the war were quite simple: to kill or be killed.

You will also learn how to trust your comrade with your life even if you haven't met them before in your life. The battlefield was revolved around trust if you can't trust your buddy during the war then you can't trust anybody even if your own yourself.

But this war I have now was way different from the tours I have abroad. This war was against my own family primarily directly to my devious cousin, Leila Salazar.

You see, when I unwillingly came home from the battlefield after acquiring a leg injury from my last tour the last thing I want was the regiment to send me home to recuperate and be with my family for once. The thing is, I don't want to be with my family especially with the company of my uncle Cesare who was the head of the Fiorenza clan.

Imagine my shock upon arriving in Ragusa, a quaint little town in Sicily if I expected to find everything the same just like the last time I was here, well I was in for a shock. My uncle Cesare, quite well despite his age with his infamous welcoming self—well, nothing new with that. I am expecting him to live until his 100th birthday other than that it seems that everyone I know changed somehow.

But my twin cousins, Laila and Leila, were already married each with a child and even my childhood friend Rafe caught the lovebug that hit Ragusa with a quiet force. To make most of my time here in Ragusa while I recover from my injury I agreed to the insane plan of my evil cousin, Leila to play as her cohort while she's busy playing matchmaker with her sister-in-law.

I asked myself now, why did I bother to agree to her ridiculous plan that time. The only answer that I can gave myself was the fact it was only my escape to dodge Cesare Fiorenza's holy sermon about family and birthright.

But the fact that the mischievous Leila had managed to marry off her sister-in-law made me have cold feet at the sudden turn of events. If I didn't know better that little devil would betray me and sold me to Cesare and find me a bride.

God forbid them from messing with my life, I thought passionately. That's why before they even think about pairing me with some girl of their choosing I vanished at the dead of the night traveling somewhere until my vacation from the army ended.

I made sure not to leave a trace where ever I go that's one of the things I learn from the army. So my feet brought me to America. I remember clearly it was late in the afternoon and I was flying the helicopter on my own since I need a good adrenaline rush. It was such perfect weather that time but I encounter a smog area near the mountain I lost control of the helicopter and it sends me spinning out of control in the air. I tried to contact the tower but it's no use everything happens so fast and before I knew it I was tossed upside down.

When I regain consciousness inside the helicopter. I tried to force my aching muscle to move to get out of the aircraft since I was still somehow alive. I didn't know what kind of willpower I had summoned but I managed to get myself out of the helicopter.

That's it, I thought with a groan slumping on the huge tree trunk while trying to catch my breath. I have walked long enough from the crash site this would be the longest walk my legs would carry me. I would probably die in some forest alone.

I leaned on the tree trunk closing my eyes on the process. I could feel the blood dripping on the left side of my face. And I also could feel that grim reaper would probably fetch me any time soon. I've cheated death countless times before I think death was catching up with me now.

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