Chapter 6 (Roast Duck Neck and Breakfast)

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Chapter 5 (Roast Duck Neck and Breakfast)

After the dinner, there was a great change in Zhan's behaviour. He began to feel familiar and at home with the Wangs. After dinner, he jumps about and went to the lounge and then he patted Yibo to sit next to him. Hai Kuan had never seen such a sweet Yibo who would just follow Zhan, nodded and then sit next to Zhan.

The Wangs has all moved to their lounge for relax conversations. The Wangs were all talking about their company matters and Zhan was restless and he could not understand the conversation matter at all. Zhan's eyes began to feel heavy as the conversations were extremely boring for him. Zhan tries to hold his eyes up be it fails and he just let his head fell onto Yibo's shoulder and fell asleep.

Yibo was actually shock as he felt a head leaning on his shoulder. His felt the scent of Zhan and also as he turns side way he could see the sleeping Zhan looking ever so handsome and beautiful that there is an never ending urge to keep staring at him non-stopped. He has to curb this urge now, He put his finger on his lips to both the Wangs and pointed his finger at the sleeping Zhan. The two Wangs stopped immediately. Hai Kuan walks nearly to Yibo and waned to shake Zhan but Yibo put up his hand and forbid him.

The two Wangs just looks at Yibo and waiting for his decision on the sleeping BIG BABY. Yibo slip one hand under Zhan face that is sleeping on his shoulder to support his face and he stood up and placed the sleeping head backwards onto the couch. To all amazement. Yibo stood down, pick up Zhan's legs and slide this shoulder over himself and he carry Zhan with both hands bridal style and walk up towards his room. There was a silence in the Wang family as this is a moment that no one says a word as this is all new to the family with Yibo NEW PATTERN of behaviour.

Hai Kuan looked at the Father and the father glanced at Hai Kuan which mouthing "What is happening". Hai Kuan shot back with mouthing "I don't know". They exchange eyes contact but no sound as they knows the young Wang well enough to keep quiet.

Hai Kuan run after and then in front of Yibo to open Yibo's room door for him and then Hai Kuan disappear and smile secretly because he know his little brother's temper.

Yibo's hand was all aching because Zhan is already has a fully grown body, although Zhan is slim, he is not light either, being a tag taller than Yibo. Yibo looks at the sleeping Zhan and undecided what to do because Zhan hasn't done his cleaning routine yet like brushing his teeth.

"Zhan, you haven't brush your teeth yet" Yibo ask him gently when he is in Yibo's bed.

"I don't want to" Zhan murmured

"Mmm.. how about I brush your teeth for you while you are in the toilet" Yibo asked so gently which he is amazed at his own soft heart.

"Mm" Zhan answer with closed eyes.

Yibo brought Zhan leaning towards him into the toilet and let him lean on Yibo while Yibo brush his teeth and ask him to rinse his mouth. Zhan obey like a 5 years old kid.

Then Yibo carry him, yes CARRY him back to the bed. Yibo's tug him in nicely into the blanket. After Yibo did his routine of brushing his teeth and so forth. He came toward Zhan, he looks at the sleeping beauty. He is in sweet and peaceful sleep. So, that what Yibo thought. So, Yibo decide to climb on the other end of the bed, as who cares because Yibo's bed is super King size. Well, the benefits of being rich. No super rich.

Yibo tries to calm his heart, as he has not slept with anyone in his life, no even his older brother. This is his first experience sleeping with a person next to him. This person makes his heart skip a beat and he feels scare for once because he does not understand why this boy could have so much effect on him. He became protective over him, Zhan's joy and tears connect to his own emotions. There are so many many thoughts occupying his tire mind and he began to let darkness cover his mind and body and ease into his sleep.

Into You (Yizhan) Yibo and Zhan Fantasy Comedy (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt