Chapter 20 (DI DI AI NI)

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Chapter 20 (DI DI AI NI)

Yibo is holding onto Zhan in the car, suddenly, Yibo heard a a very fainted voice "My Hero", Yibo took a look at Zhan, Zhan eyes are still closed and Yibo tries to shake him a little to jolt Zhan up but to no avail. Zhan remains unconscious. Tears were free flowing on Yibo's face. No man has ever seen Yibo's sob. This time round, Yibo just let go of himself and sob

"Zhan, please hold on..." Yibo wail and sob.

ACheng couldn't bare the sight, even though he is driving the car at super high speed. He still speak to comfort his boss

"Yibo, LISTEN!!!!, Zhan needs you, Be Strong. He only has you now, OK!!!!" ACheng reminded Yibo and hoping to straighten the man up.

Yibo seems to understand despite being in a mess, he stops wailing and answer

"Cheng ge, you think Zhan will be alright?" Yibo asks

"Yes, Yibo, we are reaching the hospital in 2 minutes, ok. Just get ready to carry him and answer the doctor whatever information they need to know so that Zhan can get treatment as soon as possible, ok" ACheng seems like the more logical one here, could be because of the age.

"OK, Thanks Cheng ge" Yibo sober up and get ready

"Anytime, Yibo. HERE we are" A Cheng announced.

Yibo took good care to slide Zhan out and carry him into the A & E and followed closely by ACheng. The nurses and doctors at the A & E saw Yibo carrying Zhan and immediately a wheeled bed was ready for Yibo to place his dear Zhan on it. Yibo tries to follow Zhan but he was halted by the doctor and nurses.

"Sir, we take over from here. We will take care of him" the nurses assured him. The kind middle age nurse looks at Yibo and saw all the cuts and bruises on Yibo hands.

"Sir, you need treatment too" signal the other nurses to take Yibo to another treatment room.

"NO< NO!!!, I am fine, just treat him, please" Yibo refuses until ACheng calms him down

"Yibo, listen to the nurse, ok" ACheng looks into Yibo eyes and tries to help Yibo to makes sense of the situation.

Yibo gave up and follow the nurse while ACheng waits outside.

Yibo is frustrated now, because he wanted to go and see Zhan. The nurse clean his womb and bandage it for Yibo properly. Yibo then ran around the corridor to ACheng like a lost soul.

ACHeng saw him and waves his hand and hand over a coffee to Yibo. Yibo calm himself down and wait. Yibo felt like there is no more soul left with him now. He left his soul with Zhan. Yibo also realises how important Zhan is to him now. He is so INTO Zhan that every cells in his body feels like no life without Zhan. This is his feeling now. Zhan brightens up his soul and life. Without Zhan, his life would be a life without a soul roaming in the world. All these thoughts about Zhan make Yibo realises his feelings for the beautiful Zhan. Yibo starts to recall eleven years ago.

FLASH BACK TO 11 years

Mr Xiao and Yibo's father were classmates in the University and of course they were best friends. Both got married and into business. They also keep in contact even though they  were busy. 11 years ago, they often visit each other at weekend and sometimes, it would be at the Wang or Xiao resident.

Xiao Zhan was seven years old at that time. He was such a cute and beautiful boy. Yibo was 12 years old but he took a liking to Zhan immediately. Zhan is young and often shy. Yibo would volunteer to take care of every needs of Zhan. Whenever, they meet, Yibo never leaves Zhan. Zhan would comes in the morning to Yibo's home and straight away Zhan would be like a tail attached onto Yibo's back following Yibo wherever he goes.

Into You (Yizhan) Yibo and Zhan Fantasy Comedy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now