Chapter 19 (My Hero)

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Chapter 19 (My Hero)

The door was flung open. Yibo kick it open and saw He Peng

"THE SCARY EYES" Now Yibo knows now who Zhan is afraid off.  Yibo's eyes immediate alert to  Zhan that has been tied up on a chair, wiggling and crying until the voice is hoarse now. Yibo was crashed when he saw his Zhan in this state but Yibo needs to stay alert to save Zhan and he remembered his brother told him "Be Strong for Zhan" circling thoughts were in his mind.

"Zhan, I am here" Yibo tries to calm Zhan who is now looking at him with painful eyes and hope

"GE GE, UNTIE ME. I WANT TO GO HOME" Zhan yells and scream despite his voice being hoarse.

"HAHAHA, You think you can do what you want er, Xiao Zhan, although you are precious to grandfather and your parents even your this Ge ge. In here. You are nothing. REMEMBER NOTHING!!!!!  Look at you, so pathetic like a baby, useless baby and grandfather is blind to give you all his properties and business. I am the capable one and no one see it. URGHHH!!!!, Hahaha" He Peng laughs angryly and teased Zhan with insults. At the same time, he took up his knife and signal the two men in the room to get ready for a fight with Yibo.

Yibo knew what is coming, he has to be ready to fight his way out and make sure that Zhan is not hurt.

He Peng then lower his knife to Zhan's neck. He Peng then took out a string and put it across Zhan's neck. He untie Zhan but holds him in front with the thin string.

"Yibo, if you don't want Zhan to die by the string, You better back off. For your information, this is not a normal string. This string can cut through skin into bones. What happens to this handsome face when he is dead. A DEAD HANDSOME FACE. Hahaha." He Peng tightens his string and Yibo could see some traces of blood flowing from Zhan's neck. He lower his stance and put his hand at the side as a sign of surrender.

"GE, Ge run, NO!!!!, Don't, please run Ge ge" Zhan yells and shouts

"Do you think he will, when you are in my hand. You are his life" He Peng teased wickedly

"Huh, ge ge, I am sorry... ahhhh" Zhan cries loudly

"Zhan, calm down" Yibo assured Zhan, a devastated Zhan breaks his heart.

"Surrender yourself and let my man tie you up" He Peng announced. Yibo has to do what he was told because of Zhan.

He Peng lower this grip on the string lightly and then he gestures Zhan to sit back because he wants to tie him back onto the chair as well as Yibo.

Yibo winked at Zhan as when He Peng about to tie Zhan. At this moment, Yu Bin ran in and shouts

"Zhan, Zhan are you ok?" Yu Bin shouted

The distraction was too much for He Peng, his hand loosen and he cursed

"You ungrateful dog, I will feed you to the wolves later, you body will be sliced into pieces to feed to the wolves, you dare to betray me and brought Yibo here, er" He Peng was so angry that his hand tremble slightly.

Yibo took advantage of the surprises with He Peng loosening and trembling hands. Yibo did a flying kick onto He Peng. He Peng was shock and his hand let loose on Zhan and he fell on the floor. Yibo caught hold of Zhan's hand and hide him behind himself.

The two men were shocked but Yu Bin holds onto one of them with his body and just refuses to let go

"You both ran" Yu Bin shouts 

The one that Yu Bin was holding on, took out a small knife and stab Yu Bin on his back. Yu Bin yells in pain and fell to the ground

"YU BIN!!!!!!" Zhan yells in shock

Yibo carries Zhan onto his front, with Zhan's legs swinging high.

"Zhan, scissor kick NOW!!!!!" Zhan was shocked but he also did some martial arts training and immediately his legs kick like a non-stop scissors as the two men came towards them. The two men fell on the floor as they were kicked by Zhan's leg.

The Yibo put Zhan down and still did not forget to praise his cute Zhan

"Well Done".

Now, only He Peng left, he took out a gun and waver in the air.

"You think you are clever er, Yibo. See if you are faster than the gun" He Peng raised the gun and point it towards Yibo who is now in front of Zhan to protect him.

Yibo closes his eyes, in his mind, he is willing to die to Zhan.

"Ge ge, don't " Zhan tries to stand in front of Yibo but Yibo is stronger than Zhan and refuses to barge.

While awaiting for the final death. Yibo told Zhan

"I LOVE YOU" and wait for his death. The gun fires and both of them closes their eyes.

Yibo did not feels any pain in his body but he felt that the body behind him is slowly falling onto the ground. Yibo's reaction was too slow and Zhan hit the floor with his head touching the floor and his head starts to bleed.

"ZHAN. ZHAN!!!!!" Yibo screams and quickly stood down to carry him. He then saw that He Peng is down on the floor. Behind him was a man in his forties with a gun and beside him are Acheng and his brother Hai Kuan.

"Yibo, Zhan.. the detective Tham is here" Hai Kuan ran and tries to help his brother. Yibo doesn't allows anyone to touch Zhan. Despite being overly exhausted after fighting and stressed. He still carry Zhan frontal way.

"Ge, is your car here" Yibo asks shakingly

"Acheng, get the car ready for Yibo, sent them to the hospital. I will take care of here" ACheng ran faster than he ever did in his life seeing the unconscious Zhan and his injured boss.

The door of the car was opened and Yibo placed Zhan carefully in the back seat. Yibo slide himself in and hold Zhan body tight.

"My Hero" a very soft and murmured voice that only Yibo could heard came from Zhan. Zhan plunged into unconsciousness again. The car speed all the way to the hospital.

Ambulance siren were loud speeding to the deserted house. Yu Bin was on stretcher to the hospital with a badly stabbed back.

He Peng was unsconscious but he was also on a stretcher to the hospital. Hai Kuan handle and talked to the detective. The house was cordoned off with black and yellow strips tapes.


This is a very short one.

I am so sorry. Will update later.

Thank you     

Into You (Yizhan) Yibo and Zhan Fantasy Comedy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now