Chapter 8 (Building trust)

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Chapter 8 (Building Trust)

As it is nearing meal time, Yibo asked Zhan to unpack all his clothes and they are going out for a nice meal since Zhan has not visited Beijing for almost 2 years. Anything to make his did happy right.

The, Zhan told Yibo

"Ge ge, I don't have clothes that are suitable for working" Zhan

"We will go shopping after lunch, hey, today is Sunday, I am not working" Yibo give a slight curve on his mouth.

"OK!!!!!" Zhan jumps happily.

"Cheng, get the men ready and my car" Yibo talk to his phone

Zhan changed and ready to go with Yibo. Zhan eyes widen when he saw Yibo's sport car and clapped his hands "Ge, ge, wow, nice car" It is a top notch lamborghini

However, Zhan frowned when he saw another 4 men bowing at Yibo.

"Zhan, this is our security team, this is Cheng, head of the team" Yibo introduce Cheng to Zhan. Zhan stares at Cheng, but Cheng gives Zhan a warm smile and that warms up Zhan.

"Ge, ge, why are we so protected, I feel like a movie star, haha" Zhan laughs and hold Yibo's hand. Yibo looks at his hand but just nodded but the men were all unconsciously staring at their boss's hand being captured by this handsome and cute boy. All the men have wide eyes and mouth agape. But still able to maintain their smile.

"YOU are a star, Zhan" Yibo patted Zhan head and teased him. The men were more shocked to their core, when did their boss ever pat someone head and worst now he is teasing someone. Their look is like are we on the wrong side of the planet earth!

They arrived at the Beijing biggest mall. Zhan was running around Yibo, pointing and jumping around as he is so comfortable with this Ge ge.

"Ge, ge, I want to cut my hair, it is too long, I don't want to tie a pony at work. I am at China now" Zhan requested

"Ok, come" Yibo brought him to his usual hairdresser that would need a month appointment to get him to do anyone's hair. His shop is well hidden as celebrities doesn't like to be seen. Usually, this hairdresser cut Yibo's hair at YIbo's home.

Yibo fish out his phone and call when he is outside the shop.

"Sam, I am at your shop, open your door now"

Immediately, a sweet and swaying guy came out of the shop and was totally shocked looking at Yibo

"Mine, Mine, where did I earn that honour, my Yibo, gosh...., come in and who is this beautiful young man" Sam talk non-stopped

"Sam, whatever you are doing. STOP. Cut his hair now. I don't have time" Yibo demands

"Of course, you are my boss" Sam run to the next room and talk to someone and appears in front of them immediately.

"Boy, what is our name, how do you want to cut your hair and who are you to Yibo, oh, you are so handsome, where do you come from, tell uncle Sam here" Sam just asked a million questions non-stopped

Zhan just looked at Yibo and did not answer

"Sam, just cut his hair" Yibo discard all Sam questions

"Yibo, my ge ge and I am Xiao Zhan" Zhan replied proudly and smile

"Wow. Zhan, I am going to make you better than the movie star but you are already handsome" Sam laughs

Yibo walks to the chair and have a seat and let Sam does his wonder on Zhan.

After half an hour, Sam brought Zhan out. Yibo's eyes almost pop out. Zhan looks o ethereal and no words can describe him. His short hand shows all his beautiful features and perfect skin. His eyes are now more obvious and can be seen that is so beautiful. Yibo was shocked and lost for words.

Into You (Yizhan) Yibo and Zhan Fantasy Comedy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now