Chapter 22 (INTO YOU)

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Chapter 22 (Into You)

He Peng has been sentenced to jail because of all that he has done. Yu Bin has recovered from the hospital. He gave a call to Zhan before he left for UK.

"Zhan, I am really sorry" Yu Bin cries over the phone

"Yu Bin, it is ok. I know your story. I know you didn't want to do it but He Peng forced you" Zhan

"I am still sorry" Yu Bin still sobbing

"Hey, it is ok" Zhan assured him

"Can we still be friend" Yu Bin asks

"Of course, you saved me in the end" Zhan told him

"If you comes to China, come visit me ok" Zhan told him

"Thank you Zhan, but I am afraid of your Boy..friend.." Yu Bin giggles

"What!!!!, my ge ge, you stupid head' Zhan back to his normal self

"Zhan, before I go, I want you to know, that one that is actually stupid is not me, ok. I think your ge ge likes you more than that, please find out yourself, ok" Yu Bin told Zhan

"Huh" Zhan

"Yup, look into your heart and feel your heart and you will know" Yu Bin

"Mmmmm..... I don't know Yu Bin" Zhan

"Use your heart now... I got to go, let me know what happens, Zhan" Yu Bin hang up the phone and shakes his head wondering when his innocent friend going to realise the love that someone has given to him

Zhan was busy searching his cupboard and trying every piece of clothes that he thinks that will add extra handsomeness to him. One wonder why he needs that. Zhan has consulted "a friend" and he wants to be in his best when the whole family goes to the Wang resident as they were invited for dinner. Zhan knew that he will meet Yibo there.

Yibo on the other hand is also as nervous as a rat. Yibo too has arrived early from his apartment back to the mansion. He is also trying to look cool and calm as he knew that he will be meeting Zhan. Yibo was trying hard how to talk to Zhan about their relationship.

The Xiao's family Limo has arrived. Out jumped the excited Zhan. He ran inside the house and shouted

"Yibo Ge, ge" Zhan. Zhan wanted to ran upstairs to look for Yibo as he couldn't see Yibo downstairs. Mrs Xiao holds on to Zhan's hand

"Zhan, manners please, wait here" Mrs Xiao

"Mmmm... I want my ge ge, I want to show him something NOW" Zhan whined.

Mr Wang and Hai Kuan came down and greet the Xiaos and Hai Kuan gave Zhan a hug

"Where is Yibo ge ge" Zhan asks excitedly

"Zhan, I think Yibo will be down soon, don't worry, ok" Hai Kuan laughs

Then Yibo came down as handsome as ever, he worn a red shirt and a black tailored pant. Zhan was just too excited. When Yibo reaches the ground floor where everyone were. Zhan jumps onto him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Everyone was shocked, including Yibo. Yibo face turns crimson red and Zhan stares at him and got angry

"Mmm.. my friend advise, didn't even work" Zhan folds his hand across his chest and turns away from Yibo.

Into You (Yizhan) Yibo and Zhan Fantasy Comedy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now