Chapter 17 (Where are you?)

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Chapter 17 (Where are you?)

The night was long and tiring for Yibo, but as the morning sun came in. Yibo woke up early as usual. Looking at his baby Zhan still sleeping soundly. Yibo was very careful not to wake him up. Zhan stir when he felt that there were someone moving. The big baby sat on the bed and rub his eyes.

"Ge, ge, good morning, did you sleep well" Zhan asks sleepily.

"Mm" Yibo reply.

"Gosh, did you take out the sharp object" Zhan asks

"You need to be careful next time, don't bring sharp object to bed" Zhan blink his eyes and ask Yibo innocently.

Yibo just back face him and reply.

"Hmmm.. sometimes .... Hummm... I can forget... I will try my best to not make .. oh...not.. bring it bed" Yibo reply with a red face.

"Luckily, non of us were injured. Can you imagine being poked by something so hard. Phew!!!! definitely so painful. Probably it will be bleeding" Zhan kneel on the bed and ask

"Ahemmm... I don't think it will be that bad, Zhan" Yibo reply

"How do you know, have you been poked before. Let me see where is the injuries" Zhan asked and wanted to turn Yibo around. Yibo stands firmed with his back facing Zhan

"What!!! NO!!!.. I have not been injured before" Yibo replied

"Ok, then" Zhan giggles and run into the bathroom.

Yibo sat on the bed and breath in and out heavily. I hope I am still alive if this happen again Yibo was thinking. This boy is really going to make him lost control one day. However, the thought of Zhan's cuteness and innocent won a big smile on Yibo's face.

"Ge ge quickly, I am hungry already" Zhan screaming in the bathroom.

Yibo got up from the bed and sigh..., hoping for a nice peaceful day...

The Limo arrived at the entrance of Wang Corporation. The amount of reporters and photographers were more than last night. Zhan saw and was intimated by the amount of people. Zhan kept hiding behind Yibo's back in the car. Yibo assured him that he will take care of him.

ACheng as usual path the way for them but this time round more assistants were needed. Even Mr Lam and some of the company manager's came down to help.

"Ready Zhan, hold my hand tight" Yibo told Zhan before they got off the Limo.

"Ge ge, please don't lose me, please" Zhan plead with his soft eyes.

"It will not happened, Zhan" Zhan nodded and took a big breathe and both of them came out of the car.

Both of them became overnight stars, hotter than any celebrities in China.

Questions were flying everywhere

"Mr Wang, you are the CEO of Wang Corporation, why are you modelling?, Who is this handsome boy to you? Are you going to marry Ziyi? Ziyi indicate that she is your girlfriend?, Is that true? If so, when are you getting married? If not, who is your girlfriend then?." Most of the questions were directed to Yibo because Yibo is the CEO of Wang Corporation.

Yibo with his usual character chose to ignore the reporters and the company PR department took over the media. Both of them safety escape into the elevator with ACheng, the security team and Mr Lam.

Into You (Yizhan) Yibo and Zhan Fantasy Comedy (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now