An Introduction

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That night, the young nobleman attended Duke Grimoire's dinner party in place of the prince, who didn't care for such events much. When the carriage arrived in front of the lavish manor, the nobleman stepped out once the door was opened for him, and let his feet guide him towards, and up the front steps. Moonlights cast highlights and sharp shadows along the manor's exterior, and he could see lights on in the rooms holding the party guests who were enjoying themselves already with the hors d'oeuvres, prepared only by the finest of chefs, put out for them. Men and women of great status attended, and a few gave little stares at the Duke's new pet, though none paid him any mind. The entire party would have gone on with the silent male left forgotten until each guest departed, and his master returned to have his pet all to himself. Another night of torture and violation.

The nobleman listened to the Duke's usual speech once enough guests had filled the manor's halls. The man introduced his new pet, giving him light strokes as if to claim how dearly he treasured the boy before he moved on to the rest of his speech. It was striking to the nobleman, however, the sorrow and emptiness that clouded the male's expression, and once the party's commotion resumed, and the Duke was fully engaged in another room with ladies and gentlemen of high status, the nobleman sought out the only one who was not enjoying the party in the slightest. He was not the easiest to find. The position he was ordered into made him hard to see over the adults, but eventually, the nobleman found him.

Crystal water rippled and trembled softly as the young man consumed little bits of the water. The nobleman smiled softly, hoping that made things even the slightest bit better for him. Still, the male remained silent—a strict order from the Duke no doubt. The nobleman glanced over his shoulder. The Duke was still in another room, neglecting his "treasure" as if he were a work of art to be viewed, and not a person to take care of. He had no knowledge of the way the Duke really treated his pet once they were behind closed doors. Of the heavy abuse that ravaged the male's body.

"Be at ease. The Duke is tending to guests in another room," the nobleman spoke as the silent male lowered his gaze yet again. His silence didn't upset the nobleman, nor did it anger him. Still, he wanted the other to relax a little, even if for a brief moment of time. Surely the nobleman's own position would allow it. "Should he return, I will insist that you did nothing but faithfully obey his command. If you wish to speak, it will be our little secret."

The nobleman flashed another warm smile towards the other. He clearly did not fear the Duke's wrath, unlike those who were of a lower status than the Duke. So long as he held his position with the royal family, the Duke could not touch him. It was a privilege that perhaps he took for granted. As one of the few humans to be able to be highly proficient in magic, he was extremely fortunate. Magic skill was as valuable as gold in their kingdom.

"I almost forgot," the nobleman spoke again. He realized it was probably uncomfortable for the other to be approached, and spoken to in the position that he was in. He thought perhaps an introduction would help this a little. Of all the people at the party, the nobleman wanted to be with this one the most. Someone who didn't indulge in the gossip and empty conversations. "My name is Ravus. I am a mage from the capital."

He omitted his full occupation for the time being. There was little need at the moment. He didn't want his status getting in the way like it usually did—both in good and bad ways. Every now and then, he would keep an eye on the entrance to the room, looking for signs of the Duke's return. Judging by the way the Duke was drinking away, and indulging in the company of his guests, it was likely that he wouldn't be visiting his pet for a while. That gave the nobleman time to chat with the male for at least a little bit. However, he didn't want to make the other too uncomfortable. If the male desired it, the nobleman would leave without complaint.

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