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Taylen had no idea that there was to be another party. Well, at least, not until he was moved into a new room and bound to the chair. Usually when the duke left him alone, he was only chained by the ankle, and sometimes his wrist or both his wrists and ankles, but it had become more rare for the duke to leave him tightly bound while he was away. So that night, when the duke had brought him to the smaller room and made him sit in the chair and tied him to it, he knew that there was something going on and that he was not to interrupt it in any way as he had the last time. By now, his entire body was a black and blue mess of bruises and open wounds and anyone who looked at him would be able to instantly tell that there was something wrong with him. That was probably part of why he wasn’t allowed to go to the party. There were even bruises upon his face, and a dark purple surrounded one eye. But that was normal to him now.

He sat in silence, gagged and blindfolded. He could hear the faint sound of music from somewhere within the manor. The duke had gotten frustrated because the more he did, the more used to things that Taylen became and so the more that it took to get that same reaction of fear from him. And so lately, the duke had taken to blindfolding him. The spots of wax that covered his shoulders were now dry, but some of them were over new, open wounds. It was a new way for the duke to hurt his slave. His hands were bound so tightly behind him that they had gone numb, the ropes looped through the back of the chair to keep him from moving, the collar still firmly locked around his neck. The ropes that bound his legs to the chair were just as tight, and since they were spread, it gave the duke easy access to the most sensitive part of his body.. In which the duke had found would always get a reaction from Taylen. Whether the duke bound his sensitive parts with rope until it hurt or decided to tie him down and thoroughly abuse and torture that part of him, Taylen always reacted. It was the only thing he couldn’t grow used to having done to him, and so it was a favorite thing of the duke’s to do.

Should one look close enough, even those sensitive spots were thoroughly abused and bruised. A few cuts could be seen there too. Taylen sat silently, waiting for the duke to come back, absolutely sure that that was what he had in store for his slave tonight. If he had the ability to close his legs, he would do so in a heartbeat. His jaw hung open, unable to close because the large gag forced between his teeth. It was safe to say that Taylen had given up on life. He no longer cared if he lived or died because every day was the same thing over and over again. He didn’t have time to heal or get any better or anything. It was layers upon layers of pain.
There was still music down the hall somewhere when he heard the door open. It was much sooner than he expected and he figured that the duke couldn’t wait and had stepped away to drop more wax on him or hit him a few times. He didn’t move, not that he could anyway. Didn’t make a sound. He didn’t do anything. Soft footsteps made their way over to him. They weren’t the duke’s and a new type of fear settled within him. It was a party. What if it was someone who had stumbled across him and decided they would have their fun with him too? If anything was amiss when the duke came back, he would be blamed for it and punished for it.

The sudden touch of a hand brushing against his face made him instinctively flinch away. For him, touch meant bad things were going to happen to him, and with a stranger, there was no telling what they would do to him. He knew how to handle the abuse from the duke.. Hell, he was currently sitting in a chair, tied to it and naked on weeks worth of abuse to his backside. Not a day had gone by that he wasn’t struck with something so he was sitting on a very abused rear, but he had no choice in doing so. The stranger wouldn’t be able to see the damage and abuse to his back and his rear, and it was probably a good thing. His front didn’t look much better, but it was in slightly better condition only for the fact that the duke prefered him on his stomach so that he was easy to violate. His entire body was tense as the hand traveled down his face and rested just below his cheek. It was a gentle touch. Gentle was deceiving.

And then the male spoke, and Taylen vaguely recognized his voice, but he couldn’t quite place it. He didn’t want anyone looking at his body or the way that it was, but he had no choice in this matter. He hadn’t hardly moved, except for flinching away from the stranger’s touch at first, and his head still hung, pointed toward the floor and his lap, but when those fingers reached up to untie the blindfold, he jerked his head away. The duke would be furious if anything were different with his slave, and he would be the one to pay for it. Despite that, the stranger still worked the blindfold off, and a sense of further dread filled him. The duke would not be happy. Once it was removed, Taylen kept his eyes closed for a moment before slowly blinking them open. He didn’t dare look at the male kneeling in front of him. He didn’t look at anything. Desolate gray eyes stared at nothing. His right eye would only open about half way because of the swelling of the bruising around it. He kept his gaze locked onto the bit of chair that he could see between his parted legs. He was going to get in trouble for the male having removed his blindfold. The duke would find any excuse to punish him as he always did.

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