A New Kind Of Party

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Taylen didn't feel a thing when the serpent came to him that night. The duke had been so brutal that he had passed out before the duke had even finished satisfying himself. He was under the assumption that it was because he had moved and that the duke had already been angry. He had no idea that the duke had seen Ravus visit him. He knew absolutely nothing. He hadn't been allowed to see anything since the night that Ravus had removed his blindfold. He had been blindfolded ever since, and gagged too, as usual. It left him entirely helpless. He knew nothing of the slow acting toxin that would spread through his veins and nearly kill him. He already wished death upon himself time and time again during the duke's torture, but it never came to him and he was left to live another day and endure more of the torture at the hands of the duke. He also knew nothing of the plan to rescue him, and that rescue wouldn't be easy. He wouldn't change from an obedient, strictly bound and ordered slave to a happy rescue in just a night. No, he would remain true to the vigorous training that he had been forced to endure and learn at the hands of his cruel master.

It was impossible for him to tell how long he had been out when he finally blinked his eyes open to the searing pain in his right arm. He had been left crumpled up and literally broken in the floor from the night before in the mess that had been made of the duke pleasing himself. His mind was foggy and clouded with pain. After a few moments of collecting himself, he slowly picked himself up and sat himself the right way just exactly where he had been left. He sat with his knees tucked under him and his right hand resting in his lap. Then left crossed his chest and held onto the right where it had been broken and where it still hurt. His face had remnants of dried tears and the blindfold was stiff from them as well. He remained in that position though and he didn't seek help. He was simply left there and hours upon hours passed with no sign of the duke. The only thing he heard was the opening of the door, and then the harsh words of one of the maids, chastising another maid for opening the door to the room while he was in there. The door was closed and he was alone again.

He knew nothing of the plot the duke had come up with and even less about what was about to happen to him. He knew nothing of the duke's current hate toward Ravus for touching him or anything else. All he knew was that recently, the duke had become more violent.. Ever since the day that Ravus had taken off his blindfold. It was much later that the duke came to get him. He put up absolutely no resistance as his hands were bound to his ankles despite the pain in his broken arm. And then the harness and just like that, the duke was violating him. The level of pain grew because of the way his insides had been torn up the night before and silent tears streaked down his face once again. It seemed like things were just getting worse for him, and he had no idea what was really coming. Once the duke had finished in him once again, as he always did, new drops of burning wax were dripped onto his already bruised and abused skin. He didn't make a noise.

Things continued as such for days. His arm was seemingly forgotten and each night, he was met with the intense pain of being tightly bound with the broken arm. He said absolutely nothing at all when the gag was removed for him to eat and simply ate with his left hand silently whenever he was given the scraps of food. Afterall, were he to complain about such a thing, surely the duke would break his other arm or some such thing. The days passed and nothing really changed. He began to feel a bit off, like perhaps he had gotten a little sick, but there was nothing he could do about it and so it didn't matter. And then one night, he was led down a different hall. The only reason he even knew that was because it took longer to get there than the normal 26 steps it took to their normal place. He was gagged and blindfolded. What else was he to do but count steps and familiarize himself with the patterns of his everyday life. This walk took exactly 63 steps. It was an entirely new room.

He moved as needed as the duke dressed him, which actually scared him. The last time he had been dressed was at a party. The duke wouldn't dress him for anything. He would leave him beaten and bruised on a cold floor before giving him even a cushion to sit on. Except, now, he was standing on the soft cushions of something raised up a few steps. He moved as the duke dressed him and did everything he could except his right arm. The duke would have to pick up that arm and move it because Taylen couldn't because it was still broken. Everything from socks and pants to a thin jacket and gloves were put on him. And then something was tied around his neck, though, he couldn't tell what it was. And then came the ropes. The bound his wrists and lower arms together. Pain seared through his right arm at the bindings. Then they were tied around his torso down to his hips and over his most sensitive area and between his legs. They left his rear completely exposed though and most of his back too. His wrists were pulled up above his head and tied there after he was sat down on the cushions.

He sat with his feet folded under him like normal, and he felt as though he was being displayed. He didn't like it at all. He didn't move as fingers slid under his chin, nor as the gag and blindfold were tightened. He found it odd that the Duke had tied him in such a way only to leave. It didn't make sense. Maybe he had business to attend and this was for when he returned. His head was bowed and the soft strands of his hair fell around his face. He wasn't nearly as tightly bound as he normally was, but there was still no wiggle room for him, though, his legs hadn't been tied either, and that too was odd. The way the duke felt him up was rather normal now, but the threat chilled him. Was there to be another party? Would he be watching this time? He didn't know what to think at all and then the duke was gone. He sat there alone once the duke left, arms still bound above his head and dressed in fitting, thin clothes.

It wasn't terribly long before he heard the door open. It was much shorter than normal, but then his blood ran cold. It wasn't the duke's footsteps alone. Or even at all, but dozens of footsteps that filled his ears. Being blindfolded so long had caused his hearing to get better, and he heard the clicking of many pairs of shoes and his fingers curled slightly. The duke had just talked to him about being touched by others, and here were many people filing into the room. He had no idea who was there or what was happening but it was terrifying to him. It didn't take long for the people who had entered the room to move close to him and then came the murmurs that were soft enough that he couldn't hear them and that scared him too.

The crowd gathered around looked at the slave with a lot of interest. He looked almost untouched with the way he was positioned and set up for them, and a few smiled with a bit of a mischievous glare in their eyes. They had traveled far for this party, why not indulge when they had been generously offered to do just exactly that with such a beautiful slave? The first of the invited people stepped up on the stage and walked up to the bound slave. A table was set up nearby with many different toys on it. Everything from whips and canes, to ropes, candles, and even various types of paddles and a stool. Every guest, save for Ravus, was about to enjoy their night. The trip to the duke's manor was worth it for this very act that they were allowed to indulge in.

The first male to step up had long brown air and a long cape draped around his shoulders. The cape was unpinned from the rest of his attire and fell away to reveal a very well built man. He walked up to the slave and reached down to force the slaves head up so that they could see his face and the blindfold and gag that were so pleasantly placed. He smirked and chuckled and reached for the chain that suspended the slave's arms. The chain was jerked up and the action would force Taylen to his feet. The chain was secured to keep Taylen on his feet. Rough hands grabbed at the male and turned him around so that his back was to the crowd. The male then retrieved a coil of rope from the table and bound Taylen's ankles far apart from one another to metal rings set in the ground before turning to the crowd. "Do I have the pleasure first, or is there another who would like to step up. I have positioned him in a rather pleasing way, it is only fair to offer the first round to another."

The soft vibrations in the floor of another person joining him made him uneasy. The duke was going to be mad at him for all of this, and he had no idea how many people were there. Surely the duke knew what would happen to him with the people there. The duke had to know there were people there, right..? Fingers harshly gripped his chin and forced his head up even though he couldn't see anything, and then the chain was jerked and he was forced to his feet. Pain seared through his right arm from having been jerked up and he choked back the scream from it. A soft grunt was the only noise to escape him. He was turned around and his body trembled as his feet were forced far apart and tied to the floor. And then the person standing with him spoke. It seemed they all wanted a piece of him and his heart beat faster. The duke wouldn't be happy at all and he had no idea what it was these people wanted to do to him.

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