Painful Proceedings

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By the time the person had stopped hitting his feet, Taylen already knew that there was no way that he could possibly walk afterward. He could feel each bruise and cut on the bottoms of his feet and they hurt just as much as the rest of him. Of course, the duke would be mad at him for that too. The different people came and time seemed to creep by. Hit after hit after hit. It was like the people just couldn't get enough. It obviously didn't matter how far that they went because they kept going long after blood seeped through his clothes. The guests all cheered every time someone came up with a new way to hurt the slave or each time they managed to draw a reaction from him after he had already been beaten down quite a bit.

He was repositioned almost every time to suit the wants of whatever guest was taking their turn. When the next person came up, he was already bound with his hands stretched over his head and his feet tied to the ground and spread far apart. His head hung limply, as did the rest of his body as he no longer had the energy to do something as simple as stand up. His head tilted up as the male grabbed his chin and the sense of dread that had lingered within him grew. His chin dropped again and then fingers curled around his most sensitive area. And then he was literally being electrified. The very first shock actually sent him up on his toes with a sort of groan that barely escaped from behind the gag, and the gathered guests collectively cheered. That was the first time that Taylen had made a noise.

The rest that followed caused him to move as the electricity stimulated his nerves. Each time his sensitive areas were touched, he tried to pull away. Finally, the male was done, and Talyen simply hung there, breathing hard after having been subjected to such torture. Now deep burns would decorate his body along with the rest of the wounds that decorated his skin. The worst being over the most sensitive part of his body from the male holding so tightly and delivering the pulses there. Small holes had even been burned through the fabric. The next person to step up to the platform had him lain down on his stomach once again. His arms and legs were bound again, but Taylen wouldn't have moved even if they weren't. He couldn't. The wax dripped upon his body seemed to go straight through the clothes. Another bit of magic no doubt. His feet were held up and the burning wax was dripped directly onto the new wounds that decorated his feet. Wax was dripped all over the back of his body and his hands were crushed. As hard as the man stepped, he felt his bones breaking under the pressure. Now his right arm was broken and both hands had been crushed.

Taylen eventually lost focus on anything but the pain being dealt to him. He couldn't hear the whispers anymore or even the cheering. He lost count of how many people stepped up to take a turn abusing him. He was simply a slave to be punished and abused. By now, if the guests were to remove the clothes, they wouldn't be able to tell what wounds and bruises the duke had made and what the guests had made. His entire body was covered with new wounds and bruises. New wax and cuts and sores. He was unnecessarily pinned down, unnecessary because he couldn't move, as more of the burning wax was dripped along his body. The members in the room wouldn't even hold have to hold him down. His torn up feet would be impossible to walk on and he didn't have the energy or strength to even attempt to run. Besides, if the duke came back and he was gone, he would be in much much more trouble.

The treatment continued, and many of them seemed to favor striking his back and rear. Some even laid him out on the ground with his feet spread and took a whip rather violently to his sensitive parts, an action that was only worse for the burns from being shocked with electricity by the previous guest. The guest that laid him out to strike the sensitive area of his body was one of few to get a reaction from the slave. He strained against the bindings when that specific area was struck. This of course enlightened the guests of the party, and several more following that one decided to focus their attention on Taylen's sensitive areas. His body refused to go numb to the pain that wreaked havoc on his senses. There was far too much of it and he could feel all of it and it was completely overwhelming and yet somehow, it wasn't even over yet. The only thing they hadn't done was remove his clothes and violate him.

Every new person that stepped up was just as volatile as the rest. They didn't seem to care that more and more blood stained Taylen's clothes and began to drip on the floor, nor of the mess that they were creating for the duke to punish Taylen for as well. Taylen couldn't think by the time the last person stepped up. Of course, he didn't know that it was the last person, nor did he know that it was the same person that wanted to help him but had to do this in order to keep his standing. He was strung up now. His arms had been untied, in fact, all of the binding the duke had done was gone after all the different people and he was completely exposed except for the ones around his wrists and ankles that held him off the ground and spread as far apart as possible. His hands ached with the pain of being crushed and his right arm and every new and old wound on his body hurt too.

The moment the hand touched him, he immediately thought of the one who had removed the blindfold all those weeks before. But then the weight of the world pulled on his body. More magic. The force of gravity strengthened and dragged him down. The only reason he stayed was the chains holding him up. His entire back and rear was completely ravaged and torn up. Tender to the touch and more the lashes had longs since dug far into the deeper layers of his skin. More blood dripped to the floor with the effect of the gravity placed upon him. And then came the whip. The first strike drew a muffled scream from deep within Taylen as it was much harder than the rest. And then the lashes came and continued to come. They shredded the clothes he wore and dug much deeper into his skin than anyone else had. Every lash cut inot his back and rear and legs. Whatever was exposed until the chains snapped and he crashed to the ground.

Taylen was left there in a pile on the floor, unable to move, breating heavily through his nose as the excited chattering of the people faded as they left the room. They were all thrilled that the Prince's dog had been able to make the slave scream like he had. It was the favorite conversation as they trickled out the door. A night to remember for sure for both the guests and for Taylen. He knew the duke would be angry with him. At some point after the guests left, a maid came to him and helped him in the most minimal way. He didn't know why, but someone had come. Someone else. He was sure that they were there to hurt him too until gentle hands rested on his battered and abused body and sent gentle pulses of magic into him to help heal some of the internal damage. He felt something drip onto his cheek and he realized through the haze of pain that whoever was there was crying for him. He felt nothing over it.

However many hours or maybe minutes later, Taylen couldn't tell, the duke returned to find Taylen in such a state. As expected, the duke was furious. Taylen was once more violated and abused. The pain made worse by the state in which his rear and sensitive parts were in. The way the duke was relentlessly violating him against his very freshly beaten rear hurt more than even his broken arm until he eventually passed out. Passing out brought him no comfort though. His dreams were plagued by abuse and darkness and when he finally awoke again, he was bound on the floor of the bedroom. The tattered clothes had been stripped away, no doubt for the duke to admire the abuse that adorned his body, and he couldn't move. His body was in some sort of preservation mode, it seemed. He was numb to everything. He couldn't feel anything. He knew though that the moment he moved, it would all rush back to him, so he hardly dared to breathe. He laid there upon the floor, gagged and blindfolded. His body looking many times worse after the night before. He couldn't walk, his arm was broken, his hands crushed, and his rear beaten into such a state that should anyone see it, they would be left to wonder if there was still even an outer layer of skin anywhere because there were so many lashes that it all seemed to just be a raw canvass of flayed skin. Taylen wished death upon himself because he knew that the duke would never stop. He was beginning to feel the effects of being bitten, though, he just figured that he was tired from being abused and that his body simply couldn't handle it anymore, even with the magic keeping him alive. And yet, he had no idea what was in store for him come the future.


A/N: Thanks for reading guys, it means a lot to me! Also, just a heads up. I start college tomorrow. I'm only taking two classes right now, but it's still new to me so I'll do my best to continue to regularly update as I have been. 

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