Taken Away

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*Violence warning*

Taylen hadn't actually moved from his position, other than to look up just a little bit. He didn't know what he could possibly say though. He would surely get in trouble if he said anything more than what he had. Hell, he was sure that he could get in trouble for that. He was a slave, anything he did could be perceived as wrong. His gaze snapped back to the ground and he stilled as the duke seemed to return and then just like that, the kinder noble was gone. He was glad that the glass was taken with the male because surely, if the duke were to see it anywhere near him, whether he touched it or not, he was sure to be in trouble for it. As soon as the duke neared him, he leaned forward and placed both hands on the floor and bowed lower for his master. He didn't utter a single word.

And just like that, Taylen was alone again, despite the people around him. He stayed in the exact same place and position for the hours that the party raged on. He didn't move, didn't speak. People came over to poke at him and prod. Push him around a little bit and make fun of him. One person spit at him and he didn't even move to wipe the spit away. He just stayed there and he stayed still. They mocked and made fun of him and messed with his hair and ruffled it up. He didn't move or tell them to stop. He had no say in what any noble did.

And then along came the kids and the glass of wine that they had found. He closed his eyes as the liquid was poured on his head and his heart sank into the pit of his stomach. He had done absolutely nothing wrong. He had remained in that position without a word and without doing a single thing wrong. He couldn't stop the kids from dumping the contents of the glass on his head, but he knew that he would get in trouble even though he hadn't moved an inch. It was his fault of course. The duke had just been given a reason to do more than just beat him tonight. No, now the duke had a reason to really punish him. He had ruined the expensive clothes that he had been given after all.

It wasn't long at all before the duke stormed into the room, furious at the news of his slave's mess. Wine still dripped from his hair and into his face. He still hadn't moved. His gaze remained locked on the ground, terrified of what was to happen to him tonight. A soft gaspp left his lips as he was jerked to his feet by his hair and dragged out of the room and upstairs. Not a soul had bothered to try to help him and yet all eyes were glued on him. Why would they bother? He was just a slave who had displeased his master and he deserved whatever was to come to him.

As soon as they were in a room upstairs, his head was practically slammed into the floor and then toes dug into his stomach. The action sent him into a coughing fit that he tried to stop quickly as the clothes were torn off him to reveal the horrors that lay underneath. All of the scars and bruising. Open wounds and a variety of injuries. His muscles contracted and he grimaced in pain as a knee was driven into his back and his hands forced behind him. Ropes were wound tightly around his wrists, and then his shoulders were yanked back and his elbows tied together too. The duke knew exactly where to place the ropes to make it hurt all the more and his shoulders were forced back in a painful manner as the ropes were pulled as tight as the duke could possibly make them.

He didn't bother trying to fight or struggle. He let the duke tie his limbs together. To struggle meant a much worse punishment than if he simply accepted the one he was already going to recieve. He opened his mouth to accept the gag between his teeth and then a long stip of cloth was tied over it to keep it in place. The stip was tightened so far that it made his jaw ache and it dug into the back of his neck. He lay in place, bound and gagged, as the duke dragged a stool over and then he was tied to the stool. It was the perfect position to inflict a lot of damage to his back and rear while also providing the ease of being able to violate him. Finally, his feet were tied together and he was rendered immoble. He was naked and vulnerable and ready for when the duke returned after the conclusion of the party.

He didn't dare meet his master's gaze as his head was jerked up by his hair, and he couldn't say anything back. And then the lead was tied to the chair and restricted any movement of his head before the duke disappeared and left him there in that position. He had no choice but to wait for the party to end and that was when the duke would return and he would receive his punishment. The one that he had earned by doing absolutely nothing wrong. He silently prayed that no one would walk through that door. If anyone did, besides the duke, he was vulnerable to them. If it was any of the party guests that had mocked him or had poked at him, he was sure that they too would likely get in a bit of fun themselves. Or one of the kids.

All it took was one of them to snoop around and find him and then bring his buddies back. He was helpless to stop anything their adolescent minds wanted to experiment with and he would rather just face the duke. Not only that, but he was the duke's slave. If the duke returned to find someone else had touched him, that would likely make him more angry.. Unless the duke sent people up to mess with him. He never knew what that man was thinking. All he knew was that it wouldn't take much. All anyone had to do if they came in the room was pick up one of the burning candles and dump the melted wax on him. That would be all the evidence the duke would need to know that someone had been up to mess with him and the duke wouldn't take it out on them just as he hadn't gotten angry with the kids. If anything happened, it would be his fault, no matter what he did.

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