The Assessment

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Ravus was coincidentally positioned between the bookcase and Taylen, leaning over as he kept his hand on the male's body. He'd come for a more specific reason than to simply check up on him. Something moved from the inside his sleeve, which uncoiled, and followed the top of his arm. It landed along Taylen's battered skin, and began examining the state of his injuries. After a few moments, it retreated back into Ravus's sleeve, disappearing from sight. The nobleman withdrew his hand, placing it on his lap. How long had the male been bound like this? The ropes restricted both his movement, and his precious breath. They made it painful for him to even budge. Ravus's fists clenched, and he rose to his feet. He'd done what he came to do. He couldn't stay much longer, or risk getting caught. As he rose, his attention was brought to the low lying mist in the room, which was barely visible to him. He realized immediately that the duke was using his magic on the male now, as well. Gritting his teeth, he turned his back on the bound male, lying helplessly on the floor, before stepping out of the room. He entered the dimly lit hallway, and walked a few steps before leaning on the wall. He held out his arm half-way as a slender, copper head poked out from his sleeve. Its marble eyes peered up at him.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked in a low voice. The small red serpent raised its body, meeting the nobleman's gaze with its own black marbles. A voice projected in his head, the soft, regal voice of a woman.

"As expected of him. He must be ecstatic to have acquired such a fine specimen. Extracting him from this place will be more trouble than it is worth. Knowing him, even just being at the boy's side will bring him nothing but suffering." She leaned back against the cushioned back of her chair. Her Silver hair fell to her chest in elegant waves over her black blouse. Her violet eyes glowed softly under the moonlight that streamed through her open window. The rest of the room was bathed in shadow. She rested her pale cheek on the back of her hand, leaning to one side. "Give up, Ravus. That man is best not trifled with. Even I, his own flesh and blood, would not be spared should he even discover my dear pet in that foul manor."

The woman closed her eyes. Her black lashes curled softly downwards. In the corner of her mind, sepia images of the duke in his youth faded in and out. How long had it been since she stepped foot in that manor? When the prince's favorite mage knocked on her door several weeks prior, requesting her assistance, she refused immediately. However, he persisted, and eventually, she agreed to send her familiar to accompany him to the duke's next dinner party. She opened her eyes, and reached for the slender wine glass on the small, rounded table beside her. The silence on the other end told her all that she needed to know. Sometimes she forgot how terribly foolish humans could be. Why the prince would accept someone like him was beyond her. When she confronted the prince about his decision, all he did was laugh, and agree. Indeed, but that is what makes them so fascinating, wouldn't you agree, Lady Wisteria? His voice echoed. Well, she supposed it wouldn't hurt to lend her abilities to the prince's dog. She did, after all, have matters of her own to settle with the duke.

"Regardless, you would attempt a rescue, won't you? That part of you has never changed," Wisteria sighed. The thought of her younger brother's power was chilling even to her, someone who possessed the same abilities. "Very well. I shall continue to lend you my aid. This will be a good opportunity to get back at him for murdering our parents. However, you must be absolutely certain that this is what you wish. Even being in the same room as that boy is a challenge to Him. His power is an abyss that devours ones consciousness, and drives them to madness, and just by catching a glimpse of his accursed eyes, you will find yourself swept up, and dragged beneath into a place not so different from hell itself. Since he was born, my brother has been gifted with exceptional magical talent bested only by the royal family themselves. Should you find yourself in direct conflict with him, use the ring I gave you, and flee. Do not attempt to engage him. It is entirely possible that even now, by coming in contact with that boy, you have placed yourself in grave danger."

"Now, there is a flower vase nearby somewhere, no? Carry my pet to it, and leave her there. She will take care of the rest. All that is needed on your part is that you return to the party. Avoid Him at all costs. I will send a request for you to return to the palace immediately. Report to me once you have returned."

Ravus followed the noblewoman's instructions, lowering the copper serpent onto a table with a vase of tiger lilies. It climbed up the side of the vase, and disappeared inside. Without another word, he turned, and hurried back to the main hall. Word arrived quickly of the Lady's request, in the form of a neatly sealed envelope, and the nobleman excused himself from the party earlier than usual. If there was anyone who could help him, Wisteria would be the one. She knew the duke and his manor better than anyone currently alive.

The duke rose from his reclined position surrounded by several noblewomen, and eyed Ravus as he rejoined the festivities. The nobleman found company with a few other guests, acting as if he'd never left. The nobleman who dared touch his dear pet. To his surprise, the man left earlier by request of someone at the palace. In the end, though, he thought nothing of it. What was most important was the man's interest in Taylen. He'd seen the condition the male was in, and on more than one occasion, sought him out. The thought enraged the duke. That night, when he returned to his pet, the first thing he did out of rage was shatter the flower vase decorating the table in the room. The shards of ceramic exploded across the wooden planks along with splatters of water and delicate white lilies on limp stems. Of all the people, it had to be someone closely associated with the few people with more political, and magical power than he. He couldn't simply off the man without a proper plan. As much as he despised the man, he couldn't lay a finger on him. Not directly.

A mere human that disguised itself as nobility. When he'd heard the news of the man being hired as one of his nephews retainers, he was beyond displeased, just as his sister had been. A human serving not as a slave, but as a paid worker for the royal family was repulsive. The only reason the duke allowed the man to attend the parties was due to the prince's orders. The duke kicked Taylen's bruised thigh, and rolled him onto his side. His violet eyes glared furiously down at the male.

"How revolting..." he growled. Though he was referring to Ravus, he didn't say a word about the man. He didn't say a word about having watched the man touch his belongings without his permission, nor that the man who did so was dog of the royal family. He didn't say any of it. What he did do was remove Taylen's bindings. Then, without warning, he took the male's right arm into his iron grip and snapped the bone. His eyes glowed violently, steeping the room in a malevolent rage that even those without magic capabilities could feel. It shattered the window panes, and caused the candle flames to quake in fear. Servants on the lower floor trembled, trying to clean up the mess left behind as every nerve in their bodies told them to flee. The duke yanked at Taylen's hair as he began his assault, violating him mercilessly even with his arm having been broken only moments before. Violet mist poured from the room, spreading into the hallways and adjacent rooms. His eyes were blinded by his rage. The collar around Taylen's neck was the only thing binding his soul to the world of the living.


A/N I will be working tomorrow and I dont know if ill be able to update, so... early update 🙃

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