A Party For Ravus (Pt 1)

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Similar to Ravus, Taylen didn't get a break either. He did pass out, but when he passed out, he was plagued by nightmares. His entire world, conscious or not, was hell. When he was awake, he was a pet plagued by the duke who just loved to use and torture him, and while he was unconscious, noghtmares followed him and continued the torture or his mental state, picking up where the physical abuse ended. Taylen still knew nothing. He didn't know that he had been bitten by a snake and was technically slowly dying. He didn't know that the collar was what bound him to the world of the living or that the nobleman was trying to help him. He didn't know that the duke knew about Ravus and what the male had done to try and visit him. He didn't know that Ravus had been the final participant in the hours of abuse that he had been forced to take. Fact, all Taylen really knew anymore was that he was a slave meant only for pleasure. That he was to obey his master's commands and do as he was told. That he would be violated and beaten no matter what he did because that was his purpose.

The morning after that treatment, he had allowed himself to be bound as normal. He had tried to stand and walk with the duke like he normally would have, but the abuse to his feet had hindered his ability to stand, much less walk, and so the duke had carried him. It was an odd feeling to Taylen. He was normally forced to walk no matter the pain he was experiencing, and he was half surprised the duke hadn't just dragged him there by the leash attached to the collar. He no longer wore clothes again, and he had no idea that he was being healed just bits at a time so that he wouldn't fall ill. He knelt at the duke's feet as he normally did within the office, head down as the duke pet his hair like anyone would do with an actual pet. The position forced him to sit on his heels, an action that was very hard for him to do after the beating he had received the night before. His rear was still very sore and battered, but he didn't complain, not that he would have been able to anyway. He was still gagged and blindfolded. It did make him wonder if perhaps eventually he would go blind from not being able to see. Maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing at all.

At the duke's urging, he lay his head in his master's lap. His breath froze as pressure was placed on his hands, but he didn't move or pull away. He didn't dare try to pull away from his master. His body tensed ass the tender skin of his sensitive parts was prodded at. It was still overly sensitive from the electricity having been centralized there and the burns that still decorated his skin. It didn't even matter where the duke touched. Every nerve in his body was over sensitized after the beating he had taken the day before and while some places, mainly his back, rear, and sensitive areas were far more sore than the rest, everything still hurt.

There were some nights where he remained half conscious as the maid sobbed over him and tended to his wounds as minimally as possible. It made him wonder why the duke bothered to have the slave do it at all. Salty tears dripped onto his skin and seeped into wounds and burned. That pain was one that he accepted more easily, even in his broken state of mind. The duke still didn't go easy on him. Weeks followed in which he was ravaged each night, healed a little bit, and then ravaged again. The healing was minimal, and even so, he still wound up with more bruises and wounds than the previous night. One night, he was actually conscious when the maid came to him. She seemed extremely upset and continually apologized to him even though she was helping him. His only peace anymore was when she came to him at night. While she sat with him, he was numb and couldn't feel the pain until she left again.

It was just a few minutes of peace in the unending hell that he lived in. And then, the next night, she was gone. The duke still came, but the maid never returned, and his small moments of peace were gone right along with her, leaving him in the sheer darkness once again. Not that it mattered. Taylen had long since learned to not hold onto anything that was even remotely good. The night before she left, she healed him more than she ever had. He felt as he hadn't in a long time even though his bones were still broken and scars and wounds still decorated his body. Of course, that simply couldn't be allowed, and the duke made sure to inflict several new lashes for every one that was healed, effectively nullifying the healing the maid had done. He never did see her again. His mind wouldn't let him wonder what happened either. It was a passing thing. He didn't deserve the good of the world anyway.

Just like the first time, Taylen was unaware that another invitation had been sent out. He knew nothing about anything. All he knew was that each day he was growing more tired. He had less energy. His reactions to the duke's torment began to dwindle, causing the duke to become more enraged with him at night, dragging out the torture longer to get his desired reactions. Weeks after the night of his public torment, he was taken into another room again, and actually bathed. Taylen couldn't even remember the last time he had been bathed. The hot water burned the exposed nerves in any of the open wounds that decorated his body. He sat still and silent as his body was roughly scrubbed clean. He was dressed in thin clothes and Somewhere in his mind he knew that he was being prepared for something, but he just couldn't bring himself to think about it or care and he let himself be maneuvered and chained as the duke wanted.

His hair was combed out and washed. A new blindfold replaced the old. He didn't even bother to open his eyes as they were switched. The old gag was removed but he didn't make a single noise and simply parted his lips to accept the new one that would lock his voice away. He was bound from the waist up, hands bound above his head as he was made to kneel on the floor. Just like the last time. Would he be exposed to a group of people again? He automatically shifted his legs further apart as a ribbon was wrapped around the most sensitive part of his body. The bruising and burns there rubbing against the fabric. And then the final touch was the mist. It enhanced his senses. He knew that it would be another long night for him, and his head hung between his arms, long soft strands of brown hair framing his face and covering the blindfold and gag.

Some time later, the door opened and several sets of footsteps were heard. Taylen had become good at listening. It sounded like one of the people entering the room was not doing so by choice. He didn't move from where he was positioned and could only listen as the other was bound to something. Taylen knew because he had been bound many many times and he could hear the person straining against the bindings. He had absolutely no idea what was going on.

For the first time since the maid had disappeared, a new voice reached his ears. He had never heard anyone call the duke by name, and was surprised when the duke didn't immediately lash out at the person for doing so. Then the duke's voice came. Taylen slowly came to realize that this person that the duke had brought in was the person that had visited him all those weeks ago. He wasn't surprised to know that the duke knew who it was. A pained gasp reached his ears and something stirred within him. He didn't want the duke to hurt another soul. He was already preyed upon, no one else deserved the duke's wrath. More words from the duke, and the picture cleared itself in his head. He had thought that the duke had returned to him that night, unaware that he had been found and beaten by many people. But that wasn't true at all. The duke had known what the final person did. He had been there, watching. Another way to get satisfaction. And another horrible truth dawned on him. The male bound in the room with him, the one that had come to him all those weeks ago wanting to help him, was the one who had caused him the most pain that night. Taylen felt numb. He couldn't process what he was learning. It was in that moment, realizing each and every truth, that Taylen's soul dulled and withered away. He was numb to the world and felt only pain. He was nothing but a person to use and abuse and that was all that he would ever be. There were no good people. He would never get away from the duke or the people that wanted to hurt him or enjoyed hurting helpless people. That was all that his life would ever be. He no longer held memories of his family or old life. He was just a shell. The tiny bit of his soul that remained was there only because the collar around his neck made it stay. The exchange of words ceased, though, he had stopped listening by then. The soft vibrations of steps told him that the duke was going to begin the torture again.


A/N: Thanks for reading guys! I'm gonna do my best to keep updating regularly. There are only a few more chapters in this book.

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