In The End

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Taylen was a shell of his former self. Once upon a time he had been a happy boy in a good home. He had lived with his parents, much better off than most humans. Until his father became desperate. Now Taylen couldn't even remember that long ago life. Instead, he moved as he was positioned and repositioned and beaten upon night after night. He could hardly even remember what things looked like because he had been constantly blindfolded for years. His ability to speak was just as bad as the rest of him too. He hadn't spoken in years. Words would have to be learned again. His hands and arm were still broken. He had no choice but to let the duke chain him up. It stretched his right arm painfully as the whips and canes and paddles were brought down against his skin.

The nobleman had taken the part of being gagged but was unable to look away, and he was blindfolded but every pained noise fell from his lips for the first time in many months. He had been with the duke for well over a year by now and things weren't nearly as bad as they could be, even on this night. His skin was destroyed and everything from his neck down looked as though it had been run through a meat grinder. The only thing holding him to earth was the collar around his neck. He took lash after lash after lash. His rear was especially favored and raw, and then his sensitive spot too until it matched the rest of his body. Every time he cried out or sobbed or screamed, the duke struck the same spot, looking for the same reaction, and it was given to him. Like the nobleman, his mind began to shut down. All reactions were automatic, but his mind slowly numbed to the beating. It was hours long and the duke seemed to have no problem, continuing for hours effortlessly.

There were trails from the canes and whips that snaked up his neck and some that wrapped around it a bit. There was a cut along one cheek from a wild blow that had been too high and the end had struck his face. Several deep red trails climbed his neck and criss crossed his face. The duke had swung wildly in his excitement and those lashes across his neck and face were the result of those wild swings. Every single lash was felt. Every hit, everything. Strike after strike was landed across already beaten and flayed flesh, cutting all the deeper into Taylen's skin. The wax that had been dripped on him had slowly begun to flake off as he was beaten more and violated after.

Once the duke was finally done, and Taylen was thrown at the nobleman's feet, he remained there. His leg at an odd angle, and his right arms was a bit off too. He could move neither his leg nor his arm or either hand. He just remained there, in the spot which he had been thrown. Barely even recognizable as a person anymore. His breaths were shallow and barely there. Though he was no longer gagged, he didn't make another noise. He wasn't a human anymore, but an object. One used for pleasure and torment and that was it. He had no rights or ability to protect himself. The words sank into him too. The duke spoke of this being the nobleman's fault. He had touched the duke's precious property after all. The words from before when the nobleman had first been brought in returned to Taylen too. That he had been the one at the previous party to bring him the most pain.

Despite knowing all this, Taylen was numb to it. It didn't matter who had done it or why. It was what he was there for. He was there to be used and beaten and abused and that was that. It didn't matter who did it. Though, a small part of him remained rebellious. A tiny part that refused to believe that the nobleman had been the cause. The duke had beat him this time, not the nobleman. It had been the duke the entire time. He had always loved finding new ways to punish Taylen. This was just another way. Somewhere deep, deep within Taylen knew that. It was not something he was conscious of though. No, Taylen was numb to the world. A living punching bag that served only to punish and violate again and again. A mindless slave. He had locked his conscience away quite a long time ago behind high, strongly built walls that the slave that he had become could never break down. Only when, or rather if, he ever got away and began to mend would those walls come down and Taylen become aware of himself again.

Once the nobleman was released and gone, the duke picked him up and carried him off to the bedroom he normally resided in. He was dumped on the floor in an unmoving heap and chained to the bed, but with two broken limbs and both hands shattered, he wouldn't have gone anywhere. A new healer was sent in and upon seeing the state that Taylen was in, burst into tears as she silently began to heal what she was allowed to heal. Unbeknownst to any of them, that was the push that the poison needed and after that night, Taylen would never fully recover while in the duke's hands. He remained like that for days. The duke still had his nightly abuse and rape sessions, and then the maid was sent to minimally heal them. It continued like that for many days until the duke began to notice the decline in his slave's state of being that was far more than normal.

Taylen had been gagged once again, right after Ravus had left the manor. He lay unmoving on the floor, hardly managing to breathe as the days passed. After a couple weeks, the duke could no longer abuse his slave because the male's condition had deteriorated so badly. The duke figured that it was because he had beaten Taylen so badly the night he had made Ravus watch. He never knew of the poison seeping through the slave and slowly bringing him that much closer to death. When a couple days had gone by in that the duke hadn't touched his slave and the male's condition didn't change, he brought in several people to better heal the worst of the wounds on the slave's body, but it didn't make a difference either. Of course, they weren't allowed to heal most of the wounds either as the duke rather enjoyed them, so that didn't help Taylen's condition. Eventually, the gag and blindfold were removed, but Taylen wouldn't open his eyes anyway. When they were forced open, dulled gray eyes that held absolutely no emotion or trace of life stared unseeing at those who opened them. The only indication that he was even alive was the shallow breaths that Taylen took.

With nothing else to do, the duke was at a loss. Even his magic wasn't working. The maids became unable to heal anymore wounds. The duke brought in a more powerful healer, but even they were unable to do anything, and the duke realized that perhaps he had gone much too far. He couldn't help the slave anymore because he had abused the slave's body for so long and had never let it recover. His mistakes were realized. Not allowing the body to heal had been a mistake because now the body had given up on everything. Even with magic tying him to the world, it held onto him by a thread due to the sheer amount of abuse inflicted upon it. After several more days of trying to revive the slave, the duke came to the realization that he was gone and that nothing he could do would bring his most prized possession back because he had treated him far too harshly. He was just a human after all.

Finally, after all attempts to make the slave suitable for him again had failed, the duke came to terms with the fact that his slave would never be his again. He had destroyed the male over the years that he had had him. For the sake of old times, and should the slave somehow live, the duke had one last session in which he violated his slave again, magically changing his anatomy so that should he live, he would forever live with what the duke had done to him in the form of a child. After this, the collar was removed and the body of his slave, no longer recognizable after all the abuse it had been forced to endure, was given to a maid to dispose of. Taylen's motionless body was loaded into a carriage and taken under the orders of the duke to be dumped.

The limp form of the once happy boy was taken to an obscure place in the woods and buried in a shallow grave. There was nothing put up to mark the grave. He was lost to the world that continued on with life, none the wiser to the lost life of such an insignificant, lost soul.


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