The After Effects of Magic

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Taylen knew that it wasn't the answer that the duke wanted, but it was the only answer that he had to give. With no one to blame for having messed with his pet, Taylen would recieve every bit of the duke's fury over the matter. Barely a second passed after his answer, or rather, his lack of an answer before the darkness consumed him again. It dragged him much deeper into the abyss and once more, he was unable to speak or breathe. Even without the vines wrapped around his eyes, he wouldn't have been able to see anything. If he had thought that his feelings were amplified before, then he was wrong. The mist rose and the sensations grew. He could feel every single bruise and and cut. Every lash delivered to his body, every thrust from being violated. His sensations were overwhelmed and he willed himself to pass out, but he couldn't even do that. He was stuck in that hell as the duke raged on. Then a serpent formed and wrapped around him and he couldn't move or breathe. His lips parted in a silenced scream as fangs sank into his arm and he was held down as those same shadows began to violate and tear into him.

The chuckle was heard and his fear grew. The duke was a very dark, sick man. A hand touched his back and he tried to pull away from it but he couldn't move. Those hands moved along his body, touching the cuts and bruises and making them hurt more. Feeling along his body in ways that no one would ever want to feel. Even the scars from healed wounds hurt as if they were new. His entire body felt like one massive bruise like he had just been beaten within an inch of his life. The serpents continued to writhe against his injuries and make them feel worse. Another sensation joined that of the shadows violating him. It was more violent than the darkness. Somehow he knew that it was the duke. Even if the shadows weren't real, the duke was. And then he sank into the mud and he couldn't breathe. Odd spots speckled his vision, and then he was gone. He had finally passed out from the pain and terror of the night.

Once the vines released his body, it would have simply fallen to the ground in a heap. An unconscious mass on the floor. It was impossible for Taylen to tell how long he remained unconscious. When he finally woke, he was once more on the floor of the bedroom, tied to the bedpost. After all, a bed was far too nice for a slave to lay on. Dreams of the darkness and serpents plagued him and he was a complete mess. He could easily tell that the duke had satisfied himself, only by which the state he was in. His entire body felt like it had been hit with a ton of bricks. Everything hurt. The food he was given, if one could call it that, was eaten and he began to show a new kind of fear around the duke. Every time the duke entered the room, he would bow as low as he possibly could. He didn't want to upset his master like that ever again. He did everything he was told the moment he was told. He continued to lay himself out and put his arms behind his back whenever the duke entered the room.

He never touched the blindfold that covered his eyes, even if the duke left him only shackled to the bedpost with his hands free. He wouldn't touch the blindfold. It seemed the duke had taken to liking him blindfolded, and gagged too when he wasn't eating or pleasuring his master. Even with the ability to remove them, he wouldn't touch them in fear of the duke's wrath if he did. Keeping him blindfolded meant that he never could tell what was happening around him, and keeping him gagged ensured that he would remain silent. Their regular nights resumed after that. He was bound and gagged in different positions and repeatedly caned or whipped or burnt. It seemed that dripping wax in fresh wounds had become another favorite of the duke's. He was almost always left with bits of the dried wax clinging to him somewhere. And the duke wasn't gentle about it. No, he would upturn a candle right over his skin so that it was the hottest that it could be and so that the most amount of wax would pool in the wounds and burn him. Taylen remained terrified of his master and the magic he possessed. He would do everything he possibly could to never have to endure that again.

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