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While the duke was away, and Taylen unconscious, the copper serpent snuck its way out of the vase, and sought out the boy it had been ordered to watch over. It slithered up the male's battered body, and easily found an area where the wounds were still fresh. Without further hesitation, it widened its maw, and struck, sinking its fangs into Taylen's tender flesh, and pouring a slow acting, near lethal toxin into his bloodstream. Its mistress's magic began to spread, and would gradually wear down its victim, nullifying the duke's own magic. Taylen would begin to feel weaker, and weaker as the weeks passed, placing him just inches before death's door. In all honesty, the snake's mistress thought it best to simply end the poor boy's misery, but Ravus insisted on keeping him alive for some incomprehensible reason. Why? He barely knew the boy. What reason could he possibly have to risk his life to save one slave? One slave out of the countless slaves in the kingdom. Shouldn't he simply be glad to be one of the few humans with such a powerful, and privileged position? One of the few humans allowed to stand among the superior Magus? As a Magus herself, the noblewoman decided that she would never come to understand it. What drives the human heart to do the illogical.

As if his rage had completely torn away at him, the duke abandoned Taylen in that room as soon as he'd finished ravaging the male's body. He didn't even bother to rebind him, though that was never necessary anymore. The next morning, the duke did not come to retrieve his pet. He was busy making preparations to deal with the nobleman who'd taken an interest in his belongings. As much as he wanted the man dead, were he to do so, the prince would launch a thorough investigation, and the duke would be found out in no time. Still, the duke had begun to think of ways to torment the man into never approaching his dear pet again. The perfect plot.

The duke sought out his pet later that day to tie him back up as usual. He tightly tied his wrists and lower arms to his ankles, ignoring any pain that the male would feel in his broken arm, and a tight harness was tied around his torso, which the duke gripped as he pumped relentlessly into the male as usual. His rage by then had subsided, but he never once went easy on Taylen. The wax dripped onto his back once the duke had finished inside of him, and pulled out. Things continued on as usual for several days. Taylen's arm was never tended to, and the duke continued to treat him as if it never happened. He held back on using his magic again as he found that even the possibility that it existed was enough to instill fear in the male.

One night was different, however. The duke led his blindfolded and gagged pet through the manor, and ordered him to stay put once they arrived at their destination. The floor was raised slightly, and covered in red silken cushions. He dressed Taylen for the first time since the dinner party long ago. The blouse fit Taylen's measurements exactly, something the duke had measured after one night's session. The sleeves widened loosely at the end, though no trace of the male's scar decorated skin could be seen as long, thin gloves were pulled over his hands. The duke tied a black satin ribbon in a large bow around his pet's neck, hiding the collar underneath, though that was not really the intention. He wanted his pet to be presentable to his important guests, and thus did whatever he could to make his pet the most attractive he could be while covering up the ugly scars beneath. He slipped on thin, black pants that would not absorb anything the guests wanted to do to him, and thin, soft white socks over his feet. Then came the ropes. They constricted Taylen's chest in elaborate diamond patterns, and the robes that tightly harnessed his hips and thighs squeezed his crotch over the thin pants. He raised the male's wrists above his head, and threaded the chain through a hook in the ceiling, allowing his elevation to be adjusted when desired. Then, he lowered Taylen to the cushions below, sitting him down. He slid his fingertips beneath the male's chin, caressing it. He then adjusted the blindfold, and the gag as he leaned inwards, making sure they were as tight as could be for his guests' pleasure.

"Be a good boy for me today. Your master will be away for a few hours," he lied with a soft grin that the male would be unable to see. He knelt behind the male, wrapping his arms possessively around his bound torso. This bondage was kind in comparison to the duke's usual methods, but as he announced that he would be absent for some time, it would not be much different from the shackles he usually placed the male in while he was away. The duke rubbed his fingers along the delicate fabric that was squeezed beneath the tight ropes, feeling up his precious slave. "My beautiful pet. Were anyone to defile you with their filthy hands... Well, you know what will happen. I hope you are as eagerly awaiting tonight's usual fun as I am."

The duke chuckled, sliding in the threat casually before he withdrew himself, and rose to his feet. Moments later, the door closed shut, leaving Taylen alone in a large room, unaware of anything else that was to happen to him. The leather that hugged his gloved wrists dug in where the shackles were being held up by the chain. Torches were set up along the outskirts of the platform. They were unlit for now, but once the guests arrived, the duke would set them ablaze, and watch his pet take in every sensation. Of course, there would be limits to how much he would allow them to pleasure themselves and their sadistic desires, but other than that, he would let them indulge while he sat back silently. With his pet's eyes blindfolded, there would be no way for him to know who was in the room.

Ravus crumpled the new letter. Another dinner party. As usual, he was to attend in the place of the prince, who had never been interested in such formal events to begin with. That life bored him terribly, and it was much easier to just send someone in his place to maintain relations. He sent his written order to Ravus, and reclined in his cushioned seat, holding up a delicate wine glass. Wisteria had informed him that his dear "pet" was enacting some sort of a plan, though by then, Ravus himself had informed the prince that he was planning on rescuing some slave from its captivity. The man neglected to say from where, but none of that particularly mattered to the prince. So long as the man's actions didn't hurt the royal family in any way, and he followed orders obediently, the prince would let Ravus do as he pleased.

An hour after the duke left Taylen's side, several horse-drawn carriages rolled up to the front of the manor, including one bearing the royal family's golden emblem--a noble griffin framed by a shield of laurels. The duke watched from a window inside as Ravus stepped out onto the cobblestone beneath. Ravus noticed immediately the different guests that followed, and preceded him. Some were from the previous parties, but there were faces that he didn't recognize as well. The men stepped into the manor, and congregated in the grand foyer. Their host was standing, elevated, on the steps before them, and once they'd all arrived, he gave a courteous bow, welcoming them into his humble home.

"Some of you have traveled an incredible distance just to answer my invitation, and thus, I have prepared a special gift for you all tonight. His is a personal treasure of mine, and for the first time ever, I have decided to share his beauty with a careful selection of friends and acquaintances. You are, of course, given full permission to do whatever you please. My only request is that you do not remove his clothes. That privilege is for myself, and myself alone. I hope you understand," the duke grinned, lifting his head to the small crowd before him. Ravus felt a wave of dread wash over him as the duke led the guests to the large room. The duke quietly swung open the door to the room, and stepped in, allowing the rest to pour in after. They took a moment to gaze upon what looked to be an incredibly high quality slave, and, in a matter of seconds, surrounding the platform. Ravus pursed his lips, and stood quietly behind several men. This was not what he had in mind when he wanted to go check up on the male. Taylen seemed almost normal with his injuries covered up. He glanced to the side as the torches were set ablaze. The violet smoke spread, enveloping the room in a soft haze. The duke had a chair prepared for him in the back of the room, and he reclined, ready to enjoy himself that night in a different way than usual.

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