Three Words

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Taylen hand gone through the party silently. It wasn't a party to him. It was more like a showing. He was just waiting to be humiliated or something, and wasn't at all surprised when he was left tied to the table and forgotten by everyone. And so he sat there. He was against the wall and out of the way, left to kneel properly like the good little pet that he was supposed to be. Silent, obedient, not in the way. Kneeling in such a position that was entirely uncomfortable, especially given the state of his body beneath his clothes. He never saw any of the stares from the other guests. They were all from families of money. They were nobility. They wouldn't toss more than a mere glance in his direction. He was but a mere slave. A human slave. He was nothing compared to everyone else in that house. Nothing but an object to be owned and used.

He had stood silently by his master's side as he was introduced as the pet and then he had obediently stayed by his side as people congratulated the duke for one thing or another. He never said a word, he wasn't even acknowledged. He simply followed the duke like the pet he was and then he was left to his own devices. Which consisted of kneeling on the floor alone and silent and waiting for his master to collect him when he wanted. He knew that when that time, he would be met with a very drunk duke. He had seen the way the male was drinking. He had never before experienced the duke as drunk as he was sure the male would be tonight. Any other time he was only mildly drunk and things were worse for him. He held to the slight hope that maybe just maybe, the duke would pass out first and he would have just one night of real rest before the torture continued. But he was his master's favorite toy, so that hope was extremely slim.

It was because of all of those things, the fact that he was a slave and nothing more, and everything else that he didn't expect anyone to come up to him except the duke. That was why it had initially startled him. Why would a noble talk to or be friendly to a human slave? It was true. He wasn't enjoying the party. How could he do such a thing? All one had to do was look past the makeup used to cover any visible bruises and they would know. All they would have to do was unbutton the top few buttons of his shirt. But no one would do that and there was nothing that he could say because he would get in trouble. Even if the duke wasn't there to watch him, there were eyes everywhere. One simply had to look in his direction and see something he was doing, anything but sitting as he was supposed to, and then all it took was a passing mention of it anywhere near the duke, and he would be in trouble, and that was terrifying.

The male was right though, the water, as little of it as he dared to drink, was good and very much needed. It had been a while since he had been allowed to have some water, and he was hungry too, but there was no way that he would ever accept food if it wasn't from the duke. He was actually glad that the duke was away. He would rather be left alone than be with the duke. This party really was something of a blessing. It was the first time since his enslavement that he had been left only tied to a table while the duke was away. Every other time that the duke left, he was tightly tied and gagged. He was never left with any possibility to even move, much less escape. He was left hogtied and gagged to wait until the duke returned. This was the first time that the duke had left him to go to another room without binding him first. He didn't expect it to last. The duke seemed to take great pleasure in tying him up and beating and raping him. Things he had come to expect and things that he didn't even try to fight anymore.

No one knew of the way the duke treated him. How would they? The duke fed and bathed him, he made sure that he was the one to tie him up and gag him when he left, he was the one that did everything. He even did the small amount of first aid provided so that he didn't get ill or die. No one really knew what the duke did to him and he didn't expect that to change. His gaze glanced up at the noble again for a brief second. The duke was in another room. The smallest breath of relief was released, but he didn't move or speak. This man was different. All of the other nobles he had ever met were rude and entitled. This man seemed to care.. Did he want something from him? That was what he had come to expect. His fingers curled into tighter fists and he glanced at the male again. His gray eyes, dulled with the pain and sorrow of what had become his life, showed only terror. He was afraid of speaking or doing something wrong. Just looking at the noble was enough to get him in trouble. His gaze dropped again. Even if the noble kept it a secret, it wouldn't matter. The duke would still beat him regardless.

The male seemed nice though. It was the nicest that anyone had been to him ain weeks and it made him feel a little bit better. To say that it was just uncomfortable for him to be approached was an understatement. It was terrifying. Whether he spoke his full occupation or not, or even his name, it didn't matter. He didn't have any sort of rights here. The duke was his master and he spoke to no one else unless he was given permission. It seemed rude here though and after several long moments, he glanced at the male again. "Thank you, Sir.." The other's name would not matter. He was never to refer to anyone by name. In fact, he had been stripped of his own name. The duke had told him that he was no longer a person, but a pet, and because of that, he no longer needed a name. He was to be referred to as slave or pet and that was it. That was all that he spoke before his gaze was aimed at the floor again and he fell silent once more. He was still terrified of being caught by the duke, or anyone really.

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