Magical Torment

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⚠️TW⚠️ If you've read this far, you already know. Abuse, choking, etc. Read at your own risk.

His relief was short lived. Almost as soon as he thought it, his arms and legs were pulled apart and he was spread out like an X, completely exposed. His limbs trembled with the strain of being pulled so far apart. His head hung like it had when he had been tied to the chair and long strands of hair hung around his face. It was easier for the duke to hold onto his head if he had long hair to hold, so it was never cut. In a fraction of a second, the blindfold was torn away and he saw something that he had never witnessed before. The purple flames and way the duke’s eyes glowed. He had never experienced magic before. He knew that it could be good or bad and he knew that if the duke was using it, it would be bad. The hand that grabbed his chin and forced him to look was done so with a crushing force that made him feel his jaw would be crushed. And then he was called a liar.

He didn’t know anything. The gray eyes that had been blank and unseeing for so long were now filled with terror. If the due were to take a moment to look into his mind and see what he had seen, the duke would find that he had seen nothing at all. He wasn’t allowed to look at people and so he hadn’t. No noise would come through though, only images because he hadn’t heard what the male that had found him had said. It hadn’t mattered at the time. In just a moment, everything vanished and he was left alone in a dark room. Vines still wound around his wrists and ankles. His body tried to jerk away from the darkness as it seemed to try to attack him. His skin set on fire and he seemed to be burning from the inside out. His ability to speak was stolen from him by a darkness that locked it away along with his ability to breathe.

He struggled, trying to free his hands to claw the thing away from his throat so that he could breathe. And then it was all gone. He was still suspended in the dark room and the vines still held him. His body trembled harder than it had in many weeks from the fear of what he had just experienced. Silent tears streamed down his face. He had never before experienced magic and he never wanted to again. The vines shifted again and he was lowered, his toes just a fraction of an inch off the ground as the duke moved to stand behind him. His arms remained stretched painfully over his head and he watched the mist rise and envelope him. Everything immediately intensified. The pain from every bruise and wound on his body, the vines wrapped tightly around his wrists and ankles. The dulled pain grew immediately.

The question was posed again, but he had long since forgotten the first party or the kind noble. The voice had seemed only slightly familiar to him at the time. He had no idea who had come to see him. Not even slightly, but it was still not an acceptable answer. And yet, it was the only one he had. His entire body tensed up as that hand wrapped around the most sensitive part of him and the vines curled over his eyes, blindfolding him once more. The duke tightened his grip, and Taylen couldn’t help but to cry out in pain as he did. Normally he was gagged and he couldn’t cry out. Now he did. A hand forced his head sideways and for a moment, he could see the deadly look in his master’s eyes. He had never seen the duke so angry before. He knew immediately that he wouldn’t be walking out of there. He would be lucky if he even lived.

Blackness clouded his vision and then it seemed to swallow him again. It burned everywhere it touched and his struggles became much more feeble and he was reduced to a sobbing mess. His breathing was hard and his heartbeat was pounding away so fast he thought it would finally give out. Nails dug into his side and his body shook. This was the worst he had ever seen the duke before. ”I d-don’t know w-who it w-was, m-master..” The words were forced out between the sobs as sensations plagued him. His body shook harder than ever from the pain, and the terror seemed to roll off him in waves. He didn’t know anything, and if he didn’t have an answer for the duke, then there was no telling just how long his torment would last.


A/N I have just found myself with custody of my 2½ week old nephew. I will still do my best to update on time but he is my priority.

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