Chapter Sixteen

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My breathing speeds up and my heart rate quickens, while I slowly feel myself loosing control. My hands start to shake rapidly as I pull my legs up to my chest and burrow my head in my knees, crying as the panic attack takes over.

I hear Johnnie come over and sit beside me before feeling him wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his head on his arms. He starts singing.

"I'm not perfect, life's not worth this pain,
It drives us both insane.
I'm just saying that life's not always so great,
It's sometimes so damn shitty.
And I'll call every time I want to die,
All alone.
I'm not perfect, I'm not perfect,
I just feel like shit."

He stopped there.

And thats when I noticed that I was somewhat okay.

But he totally was not.

I slowly wrap one arm around him.
"Let's go back to the hotel room. I look like a mess. Maybe they'll be up there.", I say, sniffling and helping him stand up. We exit quickly out of one of the emergency exit doors and manage to snake through a group of people with BryanStars merch without getting noticed. Walking quickly, we finally get back to the hotel, practically running to the room and once we get there its a frantic dash to unlock the door and try to find anything to show that either of them were here.

"Theres nothing here, damnit!", I yell, sitting on a bed and putting my head in my hands.

Just then my phone vibrates. Its a call from somebody.

"Hello?", I answer with a shaky voice.

"Hello, 5579.", the same menacing voice from my dreams greets me coldly.

I freeze.

They found me.

"We have your beloved brother with us. It would be a shame if something happened to him, would it not?"

"L-Let him go. He didn't do anything wrong.", I choke out.

I quickly find a notepad and a pen and write out a note to Johnnie, who is looking at me with a terribly worried expression.


It says in all caps.

"Now, now 5579, don't try anything. I could kill your dear brother at any moment."

I hear a muffled voice try to say something.

"Shut up, boy! Or I'll kill ya right now!", somebody hisses in the background.

"Leave him alone!", I yell into the phone.

"Fiesty, are we? I'll make you a deal. We let your brother go... If you come back in his place."

"N-No please don't make me go back.", I beg.

"Better answer quick, 5579. My finger is slipping and there isn't much longer until it reaches the trigger and your brothers brains go everywhere!", it laughs hauntingly.

"Fine I'll go wi-"

"Oh 5579, I'm afraid you're too late. Say goodbye to your brother!", it cackles evilly.

"No! Please!"


And the line goes dead.

I'm sorry about the sadness that comes with this chapter. I cried a shit ton while getting the lyrics from the song and I'm crying even more writing this chapter. This was a very hard chapter for me to write so it'd mean a lot to me if you guys voted and maybe left a nice comment. Even though you probably fuckin hate me rn. ily. im sorry. im a horrible person i know.

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