Chapter Thirty-Three

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I open my eyes and they come into direct contact with not Johnnie's, not my mother's and not my father's.

They're Kyle's.

He smiles down at me and I keep looking at him in disbelief.

"You're alive...", I whisper, reaching my hand up to touch his face as salty tears run down my cheeks.

"I'm alive.", he smiles, his eyes tearing up as well.

I smile widely and hug him tightly.

After he lets go I struggle to sit up, eventually succeeding and seeing my mother, my father, Johnnie, Kyle and a doctor all staring at me.

"What? Is there something on my face? Am I drooling?", I ask.

"Nonono your face is perfect as per usual its just....", Johnnie starts.

"Exuse me, may I talk to Ms. Hall alone please?", the doctor asks.

Everybody silently leaves and its just me and the doctor.

"Hello, my name's Dr. Lester. Can you tell me what you remember before you woke up here?", he asks.

"All I remember is crying on my bed in the hotel... What is all of this about?", I ask.

"You were legally dead for fifteen minutes, Ms. Hall.", he deadpans.

"I- What?"

"You were doing fine, completely stable, and your heart stopped. No warning whatsoever. You were legally dead for fifteen minutes, we were barely able to revive you, and when we finally did, you were not doing well. You'd slipped into a coma, you've been asleep for a week, and we didn't think you were going to wake up, hence why everybody was crying. Its a miracle you're alive right now, Ms. Hall. You are very lucky."

It took a minute for everything to set in.

Kyle's alive.
I died.
Yet I'm still alive.

"W-Why did this happen?", I ask shakily.

"We took some blood from you, and we're running tests now. Have you ever taken drugs before, Ms. Hall?"

"It's... a long story... I... I'll explain it later, I promise. I just need some time with my brother, please.", I beg.

"Okay Ms. Hall, but I will be back later and you will explain it to me."

I nod and he leaves, hopefully telling Kyle to come back in.

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