Chapter 21

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Bear :
You have a crush right?
Who is it?

Me :
How do you know if I have a crush or not?

Bear :
Everyone has a crush

Me :
Well I don't.

Bear :
Oh come on you must have one
There are so many hot dudes in this school

Me :
I don't.

Bear :
Why not?

Me :
Cause I get attracted by people's mind not their body.

Bear :
Do you have a crush on someone because of their mind not their body?

Me :
Not really..

Bear :

Me :
I don't talk to a lot of people.
And my friends are just friends.

Bear :
And you don't find anyone attractive??
Come on over 700 students are in our school you must have a tiny "oh he's attractive" kind of crush

Me :

Bear :
Omg yes
Spill the tea

Me :
Well I mean there is this guy

Bear :
Omg yes? 😍

Me :
He's like objectively attractive
I think every one has a crush on him
I heard girls saying he looks like an angel and can't possibly be real?

Bear :
I bet it's my crush
I swear he takes everyone's breath away

Me :
Well I don't know.
Who's your crush?

Bear :
I'm not telling 😤

Me :
Okay i'll figure it out myself.

Bear :
Please don't :(

Me :
Okay I won't.

Bear :
You're so cute 🤗
But omg you have a crush!!

Me :
Well I mean
You would have to be blind not to find him attractive really
It's a fact
But I think he's popular too
Like I hear a lot of people talking about him
So I guess he's just a beautiful person in and out
Wish I could relate 😔✊

Bear :
I don't know what to freak out about
The fact that you used emojis
Or the fact you talked so much without using period
Or the fact that you're SO CUTE OMG 🤗
Or maybe I should just scold you because I KNOW you are hot.

Me :

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