~ Chapter 40

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When Taehyung's parents got home, it was around midnight and they told them to go to bed. Jeongguk gladly agreed, as he still had to wake up early the next day for dance practice. They both brushed their teeth before going back to Taehyung's room. In the room, next to the queen sized bed, a futon was placed on the ground. Taehyung frowned.

"Oh. That must be my mum. She's so thoughtful."

Jeongguk hummed. He kind of hoped he would sleep with Taehyung. Of course it would be weird, but unsurprisingly Jeongguk had had trouble sleeping the past week, and when Seokjin had realised that, he started to cuddle him to sleep. Jeongguk couldn't deny it had helped a bit.

"Oh come on I can't let you sleep on the floor while I have a bed... I mean unless you don't want to share a bed. That's fine I understand. Plus I hug stuff in my sleep so I would probably end up hugging you."

"Well now that I know that I can't say no to the bed." Jeongguk smirked. He laid down on the right side of the bed while looking at Taehyung, who seemingly had stopped working, as he was not moving, mouth slightly agape and cheeks red. Jeongguk patted the bed next to him and Taehyung finally got out of his daze.

"So you sleep on the right side of the bed." Taehyung said, while turning off the light, before laying down himself. "Nice. I sleep on the left."

Jeongguk laughed lightly, relaxing into the bed. There was space between them, but the younger could feel Taehyung was tense. Jeongguk rolled his eyes. Surely he wouldn't have been so tense if it wasn't Jeongguk. When he heard the older clear his throat again, Jeongguk sighed.

"Just hug me already."

Taehyung chocked on air and started coughing for a few seconds, making Jeongguk laugh. The older turned around, so his front was facing the younger, but didn't come closer. Jeongguk sighed once again, and turned around so his back was facing Taehyung. He then pushed his body towards the other, who tensed even more, feeling his crush's back on his front.

"If I recall properly, you like my back." Jeongguk smirked.

"Shut up." Taehyung said, hitting his shoulder lightly. Nonetheless, he propped his arm around the younger, now spooning him. After a while he finally relaxed and Jeongguk pushed himself even further into his embrace, taking in Taehyung's smell. Jeongguk had always been sensitive to smells, and Taehyung smelled divinely good.

"I can't believe you're Jeongguk."

It was almost a whisper. Jeongguk sighed. It took him a while to get used to it when he realised he was talking to Taehyung himself, so he understood. He answered "I'm sorry" right away in a whisper.

"It's fine. Even if you told me right away, I had started talking about my crush before. It wouldn't have changed anything really."

Jeongguk wondered how the situation could be so awkward, but not at all at the same time. It felt like he was supposed to be here. Suddenly, Taehyung gasped. Jeongguk turned his head around even though he couldn't properly see the other's face, as it was so dark in the room.

"Oh my god, you flirted with me!"

Jeongguk laughed. It took him the whole evening to remember this. He wondered how long it would take him to remember he told him he was "Jeongguk's type". Jeongguk took Taehyung's hand in his own and started to play with his long fingers, feeling sleep taking over him. After a while Taehyung gasped once more.

"Oh my god you said-"

"Shush i'm trying to sleep."

"Right sorry. Good night... Bunny."

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