Chapter 48

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xx-xxx-xx :
Dude sorry but I couldn't get informations out of Tae.
And he refused to give me a gift idea.
Did you come up with a gift idea by yourself?

Me :
Namjoon hyung i'm guessing?
No not yet
I'm just gonna roam downtown today see if I can find anything

xx-xxx-xx :
Yeah it's Namjoon.
Just call me Namjoon.
Okay I guess that'll work.
Don't be bumped if you don't find anything, Tae kept saying he was really happy you could make it so he would be happy anyways.

Me :
Lmao yeah he told me "you are the gift" so 🤗

Namjoon hyung :
Oh that's so cute aha.
Well good luck I guess.
Bye. 👋

Me :
Bye :)


Bear :
Hey bunnyyy
Tomorrow's the day 🤗
Are you excited?
You'll get to talk to Joon and Hopie and Chim
Yoongz isn't much of a talker
But he's funny!
Then there will be other friends but not from our school 🤗

Me :
But i'm guessing Joon will be busy talking to Jin
Or at least I hope he will

Bear :
Yeah me too
So new problem here
I don't know what to wear

Me :
I'm pretty sure you'd look good in anything so..

Bear :
Shut up 🙈
What are you gonna wear?

Me :
Pants and a shirt

Bear :
Uhm yeah thanks that is really enlighting
I sure hope you'll wear a shirt and pants smh

Me :
I can come shirtless if you'd like ;)

Bear :
Dude shut up fkdbdi

Me :
I remember you had a full breakdown about my abs :)

Bear :
Can you stop using what I told you when I didn't know who you were against me? Thanks

Me :
Anw are you blushing again?

Bear :
You're uninvited to my birthday.

Me :
Pft who needs an invitation anyways
I'll just sneak in

Bear :
I'll lock the doors

Me :
I'll use a window

Bear :
I'll lock them too

Me :
I can pick a lock

Bear :
Can you really?

Me :

Bear :
Omg can you teach me?

Me :
Am I re-invited to your birthday?

Bear :

Me :
Okay i'll teach you :)

Bear :

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