Chapter 11

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A queer source of energy flowed through her veins, all of a sudden. Nevertheless, it provided Aurelia profound confidence.

She held her father's hand with much less force and only then did she notice that his knuckles and palms were bright pink as the gust of blood flow took place. She smiled cheekily at him who just happened to breath a sigh of relief.

The shower of rose petals had stopped indicating their arrival at the throne room, for the exchange of vows. A crescendo of melodious music welcomed the bride.

All the way from the doorway, Aurelia heard Ambrose's sharp intake of breath. She heard the high rhythmic beat of his heart. Her own eyes, now in their draco version, snapped up and gazed at Ambrose. He drank in her appearance, the masculine lump in his throat twitching up and down. Their heartbeats synced as the distance between them decreased.

Aurelia stood opposite Ambrose and both faced the mass of people in the room. The head priest cleared his throat audibly enough to clear the distant clatter in the hall.
" Hear ye; Lords and ladies. Today we stand before the throne of Father Draco to commemorate and unite Prince Ambrose, future king of all Dracoelum and lady Aurelia, daughter of lord Ralph, lord of Diamond city; in holy matrimony with King Adolphus and Queen Adora as our rightful witnesses and guardians."

A big round of applause rang out. The priest continued but this time in the ancient language:
" Princeps Ambrosii tu autem eleva uelamine sanctimonialis habitus a domina Aurelia. Nos mos satus sollemnem votorum nuncupationem. principi Ambrosius tua tibi polliceor occulto matrimonii quoties completissima votum. dico autem post me," He told Ambrose.

Ambrose carefully lifted the strangely heavy veil from Aurelia's head. Then, he couldn't help the sharp intake of breath when he saw her without the barriers. Beautiful wasn't the word he would describe her nor was elegant; she was angelic .....

" Prince Ambrose? Sire? Prince Ambrose!" Called the priest.

" Oh! Yes...what...sorry high priest," Ambrose smiled timidly.

" Nos mos satus sollemnem votorum nuncupationem. principi Ambrosius tua tibi polliceor occulto matrimonii quoties completissima votum. dico autem post me," said the priest.

Ambrose embedded Aurelia's hand in his and that usual but unusual vibration jerked her body, muscle and bone.
" I vow to be there for you in times of joy and despair and pain and relief. To wipe your tears, be it happy or sad. To hold your hand and take you everywhere your heart desires. To protect you with all of my last breath. I vow to fulfill all my duties and rights towards you as your husband forever. I vow to love you forever with all my heart. I promise I will be truthful and loyal to you and will never give you a chance to cast even a shadow of doubt. I love you and I always will...."

They were the secret promises Ambrose made to Aurelia with the completion of each matrimonial vow.

The priest spoke in normal language:" if you are done exchanging your private vows, prince Ambrose;  you may now kiss the bride and make her your lawfully wedded wife."

Ambrose did not need to hear it for second time. Nobody saw how quickly he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Half the crowd giggled and half the crowd gasped when Ambrose kissed Aurelia.

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