Chapter 42 - The Thrill Of Eagerness

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Eclipse Of The Moon ~ Book 1 of Aaron
Chapter 42
The Thrill Of Eagerness

Friday 7 November 2003

"This was very good, Aaron," Jane, my driving instructor, tells me as I'm about to step out of the car.


"How far are you with practice?"

"I've driven about thirty hours so far with Mr. Vargas."

"Sounds good! Just twenty more and you'll be able to take the driving test," she adds. "You've got one last hour scheduled next week, so I'll see you then!"

"Yep. Have a nice weekend!"

The next learner is already waiting, so I bid her goodbye and get out.

You bet I'm doing good! Right after my birthday, Ivan made sure I learned the California Driver Handbook by heart and worked on sample tests. By the end of the following week, I was more than ready to take the knowledge test and passed it easily, but to be honest, it was quite the walk in the park. Since then, I have been practicing my driving skills with Ivan who encourages me to drive whenever I get a chance to, so yeah, I'll soon be fully trained to take the final test.

The last three weeks have been so intense again. It feels like my first time at the Heaven Water was yesterday and yet, so much has happened since then.

Although I had studied very intensely and achieved the entire program for the GED tests, Ivan didn't really give me a break. He made sure that I spent my mornings reviewing the lessons I had had the most difficulty with and this lasted until I sat at the exams on October 20th and 21st. I wasn't worried and went there quite relaxed, and rightfully so. I rocked those tests.

In fact, by scoring 180 in Reasoning Through Language Arts, 185 in Mathematical Reasoning, 195 in Social Studies and 165 in Science, I reached the category called College Ready with Credits. It simply means that depending on the college I choose, this can translate into credits that might allow me to skip certain classes. Honestly, I never thought I'd be able to reach such a high score, just as much as I never thought I could retrieve any form of fulfilment from succeeding in studies. I was wrong.

I can't even describe the emotions that washed over me when I saw my results. It was like raising a middle finger to all those who never believed I could make it. It was like achieving my parents' dreams while they certainly now thought I'd be a loser for the rest of my life. It meant being an equal to my best friends, even if I took a different path than the traditional school one. It meant opening doors for a future career, but one I'd really want. I was fucking proud!

I'm not going to start courses to become a finance guy or a lawyer like my father dreamed I would. No, I'm going to enroll in business and management because this is what's going to lead me toward a career in club management, a vocation I discovered over the past three weeks.

After what happened at the Heaven Water last mid-October, I have also spent quite some time with Ivan, asking more and more questions about all the jobs related to nightclubs and his, as a manager, more specifically. I have wanted to know all the ins and outs and Ivan has provided me with all the details I needed. I still don't really understand why he needs to spend so many nights there, but I guess he just loves to dance or just enjoys the enticing ambiance. All the same, his reactions when I get too nosy about his activities look suspicious, but the man has just too much self-control and he excels at dismissing conversations. Not for much longer, trust me.

Anyway, Ivan has fixed me a deadline to make a decision on what I intend to do in the future, but it's getting clearer every day that I'd love to embrace a similar career as his. I am not seeking wealth or to become a successful businessman who owns various types of establishments like he does, and I'm not interested in owning restaurants, pubs and hotels, but managing a club definitely sounds good to me, and Ivan is more than ready to help me, so I should totally seize the opportunity. The only point that dampens my eagerness is the educational part.

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