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please god, no... not
carl grimes.

Night had fallen when Aiden heard his voice. "You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm."

Negan was here.

"Shit, shit, shit." Aiden mumbled to herself.

"See, we are polite. I mean, I don't know when they're gonna wake up from that kinda shot but they should wake up. So let's just cut through the cow shit- you lose. It's over. So you're gonna line you in front of your little houses, and you're gonna work up some apologies, and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed. Then I kill Rick in front of everybody and we move on. You have three- count 'em, three minutes to open this gate or we start bombing the shit out of you!" Negan said. He started to whistle. Aiden ran towards everyone else.

Daryl grabbed her hand, "we need to go get Judy and Elliot." She said to him. He nodded. Aiden took off towards the house and ran up the stairs. She entered the nursery. The two kids were awake. She grabbed a larger "emergency" diaper bag that held both stuff for Judith and Elliot. She grabbed the two kids. Judith clung to a small bunny rabbit stuff animal Aiden had found her while scavenging a while back. Annalise came running for the house. The young woman took the two children from Aiden and the diaper bag.

"Take care of them please." Aiden begged her. Annalise nodded, "I'll do anything for them."

She rushed out of the house and towards the others. "Go, go." Carl said to her. "I have a plan."

"Be careful, you hear me? I love you." She kissed his forehead.

"I love you too." He replied and ran of towards the watch point. Aiden watched his figure as he climbed up the ladder.

Lori would've been so proud of him.

The group separated. Several stayed behind to help Carl while other got into vehicles. Aiden knew the group that stayed behind in Alexandria would be in the sewers when they returned.

Aiden sat beside Daryl in one fo the garbage trucks, "ready?" He asked her. She nodded. The garbage trucks and van crashed through the back wall. Bullets ricocheted off of the sides.

The group stopped and they all got out. Daryl, Michonne, Roista, Tara, and Aiden all kneeled beside one another.

"They didn't get out because of what we did with the truck." Tara said and Aiden looked at them with furrowed eyebrows.

"Even if they did, it was just a mistake. And I made one, too." Rosita said, "if I hadn't gone to the Sanctuary to kill Negan, maybe Sasha would still be alive."

"I should've stopped you two." Aiden shook her head

"Maybe she would've gone herself. Maybe everything would've ended up going exactly the same way." Rosita said. "I didn't want you guys to do it, but maybe you needed to. Maybe you needed things to play out to figure shit out." Rosita finished.

"Where the hell are they?" Aiden hissed.

A couple seconds passed and they heard vehicles approaching and got ready. Daryl threw a smoke grenade out.

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