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the brand new

It had been a year and a half since the war ended.

A year and half since Carl Grimes passed.

Everything had changed.

The communities had grown over and we're all thriving. Elliot and Judith had grown to be best friends even with the age gap. Maggie had her son, Aiden was there when she had him.

Hershel Rhee.

That's what Maggie named him.

Elliot was now a year and half old. He had taken his first steps and Aiden and Daryl both absolutely ape shit when he did. Aiden had screamed and Daryl cheered before picking the baby up on his shoulders, making the little Dixon scream with laughter.

He also spoke his first word which was, "shit." Aiden knew exactly who taught him that. Payton and Jerry. But as he grew he learned more words like, "mama" and "daddy." He also learned how to say, "Judy."

The Sanctuary was falling apart. Daryl stayed there a lot of the time as he saw over it. Aiden had moved back to Alexandria once the reconstruction was finished. She and Elliot lived with the Reed brothers. And when Daryl was in Alexandria he lived there as well.

Negan was locked up in the cell Morgan built when he was still with them.

He left after they won the war.

But currently, a large group was going to D.C. Why? Because they needed some of the tools in the one of the Smithsonian's.

Aiden sat on the back of her black horse, she found the horse in the woods near Alexandria. She immediately fell in the love with the magnificent animal. She ended up letting Elliot name him. His name was Sebby. Aiden didn't know how the one year old thought of that but he did.

Aiden watched as Michonne killed the walker inside of the museum. She looked in before saying, "we're good now. Sweep patrol when we get in." The door creaked open and they all walked inside.

People had camped in the museum. It was obvious because of the camping supplies strewn around and there was blood on the floors.

"Y'all got your lists circle back here when you're done. Be safe." Rick said to the lot of them.

Aiden walked in a group with Michonne, Daryl, Ezekiel, Maggie, Carol, Cyndie, and Vivian.

Aiden went to step on the glass but stopped and stepped back after seeing the walkers below it. Everyone looked at it before Maggie walked across it. Aiden shrugged and followed after her. They all walked on the steps before Cyndie said, "heads up."

A walker fell from one of the higher levels and landed on a piece of rebar sticking up. Daryl lifted his crossbow and shot it in the head. "Onward. We'll figure it out." Ezekiel spoke.

Aiden, Michonne, Carol, and Maggie all walked together. "So, he called an election?" Michonne asked Maggie, talking about the election between her and Gregory over who would lead the Hilltop.

"The one great idea Gregory's had." Maggie replied.

"Is he still sore about the results?" Carol quizzed.

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