Hinny - Shopping

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Sorry I was gone for a week! I was on camp but I'm home now so here's a chapter!

"Come on Harry! You just need new dress robes! Can you try this last one on?" Ginny Potter looked imploringly at her husband. There was a party they had been invited to, and Harry's dress robes were too short around the wrists and ankles.

"You said that five robes ago Gin! It's just Ron and Hermione, they won't care!" Harry looked back at Ginny with a cheeky grin.

Ginny sighed. "Harry, 'Mione said she's taken Ronald dress robe shopping as well, now would you please try this last one on?"

Harry consented, and tried on the dress robes before exiting the changing room and doing a sarcastic twirl for Ginny's inspection.

Ginny smiled, "perfect! Do they feel okay Harry?"

"Yeah, they feel nice."

"Excellent! Alright, we can go now."

They paid and walked out of Madame Malkin's. Harry saw Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour, and memories came flooding back to him. (I know it closed down and Florean disappeared but let's pretend he came back and started a new shop.)

"Ginny, stay here and close your eyes." Harry said, leading Ginny to a calm corner by Ollivander's. (Same deal here as with Florean)

Ginny looked confused, but did so anyway, trusting Harry. He jogged off towards the shop, and the little bell tinkled as he opened the door.

Florean Fortescue's wrinkled face smiled as he caught sight of Harry.

"Hello Mr Potter! Nice to see you back. I hear you're married now! Congratulations!"

Harry smiled at the old man, and replied "yes, thank you Mr Fortescue, how have you been?"

"Ah, same as always, will it be the usual?"

"Yes, please, two." Harry was surprised that Florean remembered his old favourite, but was happy to accept.

He handed over the correct money, and after receiving two strawberry and peanut butter ice creams, he exited the little shop.

Ginny was still standing where he left her, shopping bags in one hand, and the other one covering her eyes. He said hello to her as he walked up, to let her know it was him, and she reciprocated the greeting.

He slipped an ice cream cone into her hand, and licked his before telling her to open her eyes again.

Ginny laughed lightly, before banishing the shopping bags back home, and swapping hands so she could eat ice cream with one and hold Harry's hand with the other.

They went out of 'The Leaky Cauldron' and turned right, and as they turned the corner and were swept up into the throng of people that's typical for London, they just looked like a happy, normal couple, until they disappeared.

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