George Weasley - Colours

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(Title inspired by the way 5sos sings the word 'colours' in Unpredictable. It's beautiful)

George couldn't get used to it.

The double takes in mirrors, the confusion when he flicked back through his selfies, seeing Fred in every single one, even though it wasn't.

He'd lost half of himself, and he couldn't get over it.

People no longer confused him and Fred, but the few times people accidentally did, they flinched and gave him pitying glances.

George hated it.

He'd accepted living without his twin, his brother, his best friend and confidant.

But he couldn't get over the constant reminders.

He sees it in his family's eyes too, the flicker of recognition and hope, lasting a second, before disappointment and guilt clouded their faces.

It was too much.

So one day, he walks into a Muggle shop and picks out a hair dye colour, with the help of Hermione, who understands. He doesn't care what colour dye it is, as long as it isn't ginger.

It's blue.

He walks down to breakfast one morning, his family is sitting at the dining table, and Molly is in the kitchen, out of sight and around the corner.

His family and friends don't comment. The understanding shines through, and they almost expected it. No words out of the ordinary are exchanged as they pass the bacon around the table, but the atmosphere is comfortable, and relieved.

Molly walks in carrying a rack of toast. She smiles at her large family, as her eyes skim over her children in a motherly, protective instinct.

The rack of freshly buttered, hot toast falls to the floor, clattering on the stone tiles.

"George!" She gasps. "How could you? What-? Why-?"
"Molly-" Arthur cuts in, getting up and laying a calming hand on her shoulder.

Molly looks furious, she approaches George, and he twists around in his seat to look at her. His eyes are downcast in shame, and a light blush floods across his pale, wan cheeks, which are slightly sunken in from the period of time without his twin.

She goes to say something admonishing, but George speaks first.

"I kept thinking it was him in the mirror" he whispers, tears welling in his eyes, but not spilling over the edge.

Molly let's out a raw, heartbroken, choked sob, and pulls George out of his chair and pulls him into a hug. The tears are now definitely falling. The whole family is teary eyed, and joins in to the group hug.

Molly runs a hand through George's newly dyed hair.

"Looks good, Georgie. I love it. I love you."

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