21- Exploring... Again

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"I think we're getting close... Come on, only a few more steps and we're there!"

"Really? You said the same thing a few hours ago," Gusion said dully, as they ventured through forests again, this time with wilder bushes and older and taller trees. "How close are we, really?"

"Come on, have more patience and work those lazy feet! It's not just any person we're finding- it's Lance, my brother. We have to make some sacrifices to see our family, right?"

"I don't really know. After all, I came from an anti-weapon family and was thrown out from it a few years later," Gusion gave a weak chuckle.

"Well, I absolutely must see my brother. Its not my fault you got exiled, after all," Guinevere huffed, walking faster. "But if you want to stay behind, go on, I can perfectly manage by myself."

"Hey, you--I was the one who rescued you from a bar! At least show some empathy!" Gusion exclaimed, annoyed.

"Well, at least try to be understanding here. You know how much I care for my brother, right?"

Gusion chose not to answer. Part of him was admiring Guinevere for loyalty to her brother--after all, they had been best buds growing up, with occasional squabbles, but it only made them closer than ever. But part of him was annoyed at Lance for making them trek miles and miles just to find him, as if he were some lord they were gonna worship and offer their gifts to. What was the matter with him staying incognito? If anything, it was he and Guinevere who truly needed to hide from all those nosy villagers and dangerous murderers.

"Gwen, I know you love Lance, but would it kill him to show his face at least once?!" Gusion said frustratedly, running his fingers through his hair as he trudged along, carrying their pack of supplies. "Like I tell you, what is the problem-"

Guinevere didn't reply. Snapping to attention, Gusion looked around. No Guinevere. He panicked. Where the hell could she be?

"Gwen! Gwen-" There she was, standing by a tree. But what was she doing over there?

"Gwen! You disappeared so suddenly!" Gusion sighed in relief, walking over to Guinevere, who was watching a tiger sleep underneath a nearby tree. Suddenly he choked.

"Its really beautiful," Guinevere marveled, studying the tiger's furry coat gleaming in the afternoon sun. "It looks so majestic, even though its sleeping."

"Guinevere, what the hell? It's a tiger! Let's get the f*ck out of here before it attacks us!" Gusion exclaimed, his voice trembling with terror.

"Language, Gusion! There's nothing bad about this little feline. And besides, what's the worst that could possibly happen?" Guinevere scolded, staying perfectly calm as the tiger rolled over.

"Gwen, I know you don't know much about the outside world yet, but you know tigers can get vicious! Besides, haven't you cursed at least once in your life?!" Gusion said in utter disbelief.

"A few times, but I choose to avoid it as much as possible. It makes me seem un-ladylike, and it's one of the few rules I could really follow in etiquette lessons. I try really hard, but I can't really be that much of a proper lady, y'know that?" Guinevere said softly, choosing to ignore the first statement.

" Gwen, let's get away before you agitate that damn tiger. Come on, Lance is waiting! " Gusion's voice was slightly high and squeaky at the end.

But all of a sudden, the tiger woke up. Its fierce brown eyes surveyed the land around it, and it fixed its eyes upon Gusion and Guinevere. On its four legs, it looked even more majestic and terrifying.

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