35- Magic Academy

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"So, is this why you made us bring these fur jackets? It's freezing up here," Granger said, shivering.

"Yes. I told you, its going to be extremely cold up here. But once we go inside, you can take that off." Odette replied.

Gusion stared up at the huge, castle-like building in front of him. After a few hours of carriage ride, they had finally arrived. The academy looked forlorn in the snow, with its old black walls and old fashioned windows, which resembled, well, a castle (Magic Academy was located in the North, only an hour away from Nost Gal). He put a hand on the door. So this was were Guinevere studied. The thought of it alone made him sick to his stomach. Sighing, he tried to push open the door, only to find out it was locked.

"It's magically sealed. Only the Faculty of the Academy can open and close those doors," Odette said, trying to blast spells at the door but with no success.

"Bloody hell. How come I never knew this?" Lancelot wondered aloud, trying to poke his sword through the small gap in the door.

Gusion stared at him in shock. "You've never been to Magic Academy before?"

"Well, I'm not a student, and I'm sure you know that," Lancelot said. "And we never had time to come here when Guinevere has a play, a contest, or whatever. I was in fencing classes 24/7, and my parents are always stuck doing royal duties."

Gusion glanced at the Academy again. Through the small gap, he pictured a huge hallway with a glittering chandelier. Imagining Guinevere standing alone in that great hallway only made him feel worse, and he tried to shake off the feeling.

"It's all right, Gusion," Lesley consoled him, as if reading his thoughts. Aside from his other brothers and Guinevere, Lesley knew him better than anyone. "In fact, we came here only fifteen minutes early, and you know those other people. Always so late. They'll come here in a while."

"Mhm." Gusion nodded. Just as he stopped peering into the gap, a very loud noise came from behind. VROOMMM! VROOOM!

"What is that?" Lancelot grimaced, covering his ears. "Oh, looks like the early bird's arrived at last."

They all glanced at the sky. Gusion witnessed a curious sight he had never seen before. There was a flying automobile in the sky, making these extremely loud noises and puffing up smoke. It had two propellers at the sides, and Gusion guessed it had to be some sort of car with wings. Just as the odd car touched down, Gusion saw who the driver was: a cheerful girl holding a cannon gun with extremely long, blonde pigtails.

"Layla!" Odette gasped, and she and Lesley came up to the girl to greet her.

"Oddie! It's been months since I've last seen you. When will you be back at the Land of Dawn?"

"When my schedule clears up, of course. I had to deal with village problems, castle refurbishment problems, villager problems, everything problems."

"Oh, I guess that's the burden of being a royal! Good thing I wasn't born one," Layla giggled. Catching sight of Lancelot, Gusion, and Granger (who had sat down by the door), she waved at them too. "Lance! Who are these two friends you brought here?"

"Oh, this is Granger, Lesley's boyfriend," Lancelot said teasingly, and Lesley rolled her eyes. "And this is Gusion. I'm sure you know him, if you read the papers."

Layla walked up to them and scanned them boldly, looking up and down. "Wait... Are you that DEATH CHANTER?" She asked loudly, and Granger and Gusion jumped.

"Yes... I am," Granger said meekly. He wasn't used to being the center of attention, and he wished he could crawl back under a rock.

"OOOOH! You were pretty cool at fighting those hoods in the forest! You even saved this man's life right here," Layla said, nudging Gusion. The two men simply nodded.

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