Authors note

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 Alright, it has come to my attention that quite a few of you lovely readers were not satisfied with the ending to the story so I have an offer for you guys. A second book. Now if I were to do this it would probably be a few weeks till I started it so that I have time to think up a good plot to continue on so it's not a flop. Now I also want to make sure you guys want a second book so I'm not writing the sequel no one asked for, that being said I want at least twenty of you to comment here and assure me that you want another book or twenty to comment saying they don't it'll be kind of like a game, I like games so first one to twenty wins. I have quite a few readers so I don't feel like this will be to hard of a task. Anyway, that's all I really have to say about that so without further ado, LET THE GAMES BEGIN! 


Second book-

No second book-

Edit: Well so much for a game, oh well, you guys decided my fate rather quickly I'll say. So you all want a second book and I intend to deliver so just give me a few weeks and I'll have it out. Also not meaning to self promote but you might want to follow me so you know when the story comes out.

Edit 2:The second book is out now if you guys want to read it, it's called Recovery.

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