A Physician and his Apprentice

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Later that evening Merlin bumbled in to Gaius' chambers looking perplexed. Gaius looks up from his work bench and smiles at him. His wooden bench is littered with potion bottles, papers and a bubbling cauldron.
"I was wondering when you were going to make an appearance, although you are earlier than I thought you'd be"
Merlin nods "yeah got off lightly - although you seem busy!"
"Humm..." Gaius looks up from his potions "the Lady Lena isn't feeling too well I'm just finishing off this remedy for her"
"Would you like me to deliver it to her later?"
"Only if Arthur isn't working you too hard tonight! It's be much appreciated I'm not as young as I used to be!"
"Strangely enough I don't think he will be, it seems like he's got stuff on his mind"
"And it looks like you've got stuff on yours! You seem concerned, what's wrong?"

Merlin sits opposite Gaius and hands him his meal.
"I'm not quite sure if I'm honest Gaius. He just isn't himself."
Gaius nods and mulls it over - "It isn't easy being king, I advised Uther for many years he had a lot on his shoulders, Arthur must be feeling it"
"Maybe" ponders Merlin.
Gaius looks up - "you don't seem so sure"
"Well Arthur disappeared earlier as I was looking for him about the garland competition and I couldn't find him anywhere, then all of a sudden he turns up out of nowhere as miserable as ever - and that's before he's had Audery's cooking!"
Gaius gives him a stern look followed by a small smile creeping into the corners of his mouth "she has cooked better" he teases , watching the thick broth slop off from his spoon.
"If Camelot's top physician decrees it it must be true" Merlin laughs.
"Just be thankful that you haven't had to put up with her cooking as long as I have!"
Merlin laughs, a wide grin appears on his face, Gaius smiles in return happy that he could lighten his young apprentices mood.
"And yet you still have no idea what's causing Arthur such distress?" Gaius wonders aloud
"No not a clue - only he was visited by a raven earlier today with a note"
"'Tis a bit odd - Camelot rarely receives Ravens these days - I'm guessing you don't know who from?"
"I know, it doesn't seem right and sadly I don't. Looks like he doesn't want me to see it anyway Gaius. It's strange usually he is able to confide in me, it's what I'm here for! Not even my comedic genius could bring a smile to his face - I'm concerned Gaius this isn't the Arthur we know"

Gaius sighs - "then we must aid him in whatever way we can until he is ready"
«unless I do some investigation first» Merlin ponders already coming up with ways to find out more.

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